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- Minutes 2022 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > General Business > Minutes 2022 Converse County Senior Citizen Service District January 10, 2022 Douglas, Wyoming Converse County Senior Citizen Special Service District's Minutes 2022 President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Guests present were Nancie Fink, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Troy Hunsucker, Peaks Investment Management. Mr. Hunsucker shared a chart which gave an overview of earning capabilities if this Board invests $500,000 (the amount in reserves). He stated his firm is AAA rated. Investments will be discussed at future board meetings. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2021, Lucile seconded motion carried. The financials were presented reflecting $1,367,406.81 from the mil levy; $916.87 from interest and payments of $347,671.32. The current balance is $3,904.294.00. Lucile moved to approve, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Due to a problem with GoDaddy, Kathy suggested to Joanne to remove her personal credit card as payment for any future charges. The Board agreed to this action. Mr. Ron Yates resigned from this Board on December 26, 2021. President Ricker thanked him for his service. Board Candidate applications were presented for Cheri Reese and Rita Redig. Kim had not yet submitted the application. After review, Lucile moved to appoint Cherie Reese and Rita Redig to this Board for terms ending at the next General Election, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Lucile gave the Oath of Office to Cheri and Rita. The signature card for the Converse County Bank was presented. Tim, Kathy and Lucile will be authorized signatures for the checking account. Lucile will contact the bank to add Rita Redig to the authorization. Nancie Fink gave an overview of projects at the centers. The Douglas Center's kitchen will soon be operational and the Glenrock parking lot is going out to bid with the project beginning in June 2022. She will try to attend a meeting of the Glenrock Rec Board for the signage for the Glenrock Senior Center. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Janaury Converse County Senior Citizen Service District February 14, 2022 Douglas, Wyoming The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. with the following in attendance: Tim Ricker, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor, Absent: Kathy Patceg. Guests present: Mr. Matt Adelman, Douglas Budget and Nancie Fink (for a short time due to her other obligations today). This meeting was originally scheduled to be held in Glenrock, but was moved because of the Grand Opening of the dining room in Douglas. Lucile read the minutes of the January 10, 2022 meeting. Cheri moved to accept, Rita seconded, motion carried. Lucile provided the financial report that Kathy had submitted via email. Bank activity for January, revenue: $427,465.65 from taxes; $1052.07 in interest; disbursements: $50,000 to WYO STAR; $12,338.74 CCAS for various projects; $90,000 CCAS for their January allocation and $175 to the Douglas Budget for the legal ad on CY 2022 meeting dates. January 31, 2022 balance: $4,180,297.98. Rita moved to accept the financial report, Cheri seconded, motion carried. Mr. Adelman inquired about the balance in our account. Lucile explained it was due to projects not being completed from previous years and the delays due to COVID and materials. For clarity on the terms of the current board, Cheri Reese replaces Bill Canady and Rita Redig replaces Ron Yates. This is needed to make certain the ballot reads correctly on terms for the November 2022 election. Nancie gave a quick update on the various projects. Rather than relist, the report is attached. Mr. Adelman asked Nancie if the projects had been put out to bid, which Nancie stated generally no; however, a few have been. The Grand Opening of the Douglas Senior dining room is today with Prime Rib being served. Nancie will provide this Board with the contact info for the CCAS Board. Rita and Cheri inquired about investments and felt that more funds needed to be invested. Cheri will also ask CC Bank about options to get higher interest rates. Tim felt this Board needed to visit with Joel Schell again, but Lucile felt otherwise as investments are in our hands now after others have already given their advice. She believes this Board needs to act. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:00 a.m., Cheri seconded, motion carried. The next meeting will be held in Douglas. Tim Ricker Tim Ricker, President Lucile K Taylor Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Director Report January 20, 2022. Glenrock Senior Center 1pm We have had a busy month. The remodel in Douglas is coming along. Barring any more sickness. Equipment will start to be installed on Monday and Tuesday. We have a projected walk through/punch list on Thursday the 27h. Feb. 14th is our target date to be open for business. In the meantime, of the remodel, we have been chipping away at our budgeted items for the special district. Inside paint of both centers is nearing completion Electric sliding door for Douglas is on order Bingo machine for Glenrock has been ordered Ice cream machine for Douglas is now ordered Finally, I am on the agenda at the rec center to discuss the sign New dining room lights are in for glenrock dining room, we are waiting for The Douglas kitchen to open. The gutters and roof in glenrock will be inspected as soon as weather Permits. New windows for the Glenrock center. We are currently getting bids for both The upstairs and downstairs on separate bids. Basement windows being the Priority. We have a bid for the flooring in the Douglas basement. It was recommended We go with the vinyl. This will complete the whole center in Douglas. The only thing remaining will be the windows and the new HVAC system. We will get an estimate for the floor in the glenrock dining room after the Small remodel here is done. We should have plenty left in the budget for That. February Converse County Senior Citizen Service District March 14, 2022 Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guests present were Nancie Fink, Dana Lythgoe and Sam Evans, Chairman, CCAS Board; Kyle Lund and Sheri Leinweber, CC Bank. Cheri moved to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2022 meeting, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kyle and Sheri, CCB, presented investments option. The 90-day CD is .65% interest; 18-month CD-.85% interest; 5-year CD - 1.2% interest. There is no penalty for withdrawal if funds are needed to pay bills; however, there would be a penalty if the Board withdrew funds to invest elsewhere. Kathy presented the financial report; revenue: $41,435.43, taxes and $926.83, interest; expenditures: $101,125, CCAS ($90,000 for allocation and the balance for projects), $156,594.35 kitchen remodel. Balance in account: $3,964,940.89. Lucile moved to accept the report, Cheri seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to allocate $2 million to CCB for investments with the bank personnel guiding us on the best option; $500,000 to WYOSTAR and $500,000 to WYO Class, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Director's report. Nancie discussed the Glenrock parking lot. She stated the kitchen remodel was $300,000 over budget. The Glenrock Rec Board has approved the addition of the sign for the Glenrock Senior Center in their playground area. Bar D Signs will be providing and installing the sign. Lucile moved to have Converse County Bank as the official depository for CY 2022, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Sam will ask the CCAS Board for a date when this Board can meet with them to discuss projects that have been budgeted, but not completed. April 14, 2022 was suggested. Lucile will ask Matt for pictures of the Douglas dining room grand re-opening for our website. Sam Evans discussed the parking lot at the Glenrock Senior Center and reviewed the design and features. Lucile reported that Kathy and she were meeting with Brennin Clark, the website developer, to go over the items submitted to him and to review the layout. The website should be ready in April, Mr. Matt Adelman, Douglas Budget, said he would do an article in the newspapers when it's ready. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m. March Converse County Senior Citizen Service District April 14, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig, and Lucile Taylor. The guests present were Nancie Fink, Dana Lythgoe, and Sam Evans. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2022 meeting; Cheri seconded, motion carried. Discussion followed on the $300,000 over budget on the kitchen remodel in Douglas. That was the amount from the original budget, but more funds were allocated in FY 22, so the total amount over budget is around $144,000. Kathy presented the financials. Revenue: $11,738.61 in taxes, $620.67 in interest; expenditures: $3,967,724.50 (includes $3,050,000 allocated to investments; $90,000 CCAS allocation; $157,868.02 CCAS projects), new balance $678,856.48. Lucile moved to approve the financial report and payment of invoices, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy discussed investments. Peak Investments appears to be lagging o acknowledging funds submitted and, in general, follow-up with Kathy. Lucile suggested if it doesn't improve, funds should be removed and placed in other investments. Nancie stated the Glenrock parking lot project is moving forward. Sam said guardrails, like those on state highways, would be installed. The windows are under the $75,000 budget; however, the company has excessive trip charges. Nancie is working to reduce these charges. The PA systems for both Glenrock and Douglas are moving forward. CCAS may pay the cost for Douglas out of their allocation as the budget was only for Glenrock. Kathy stated she is meeting with PMCH, our auditors, on Thursday in Casper at 10:00 a.m., if anyone wants to attend. Nancie stated that the CCAS auditors are currently working on FY 21. Kathy attended the WY Association of Special Districts conference in Casper. Joel Schell presented and suggested special districts take their full mill due to changes in the law for receiving mineral taxes, She will send out Joel's PowerPoint presentation, Lucile presented some ideas on possibly offering WRS's 457 Deferred Comp to employees of CCAS (depending on their eligibility as determined by the WY State Retirement System) and asked for help from Nancie and Sam regarding some questions she presented. Rita asked about the possibility of offering employee health insurance, maybe only catastrophic, to the employees. This Board will meet with the CCAS Board on April 21, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. in Douglas, to review current projects and budgets. Lucile moved to adjourn at 11:35 a.m.; Cheri seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary April Converse County Senior Citizen Service District May 9, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guest present was Nancie Fink. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting with the following corrections. The excessive trip charges are for the company doing the PA system and not the windows project. Dayna's name will be spelled correctly in the future; Cheri seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the financial report: debits, $90,000 CCAS allocation; $6,534.10 CCAS Glenrock parking lot; credits: $23,433.34 tax collections, $157.69 interest. Balance in account $606,534.08. Investments balance: WyoStar, $550,074.47; WyoClass, $550,190.07, CCB #0, $500,498.63; #1, $500,652.05; #3, $1,001,841,10; Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy stated that PMCH would help set up the investments in the accounting program. The Board will review the investments in November 2022 (6 months from now) to see the rate of returns and could, at that time, change strategies after reviewing performance. Tim and Kathy are authorized to get new computers. Tim's is relatively new, but the screen has an issue. He will give it to Kathy to see if there is any warranty left. Kathy's is an older model, so she will replace it. Lucile will take Bill's and Ron's computers to Nancie to wipe clean. Both are older computers. Nancie reported the State of WY is doing compliance audits at both centers this week. The ads for bids on the Glenrock parking lots have gone out to the newspapers. Architects are looking at the Glenrock kitchen remodel, as well as the flooring. An environmental study for asbestos will be needed. The windows projects turned out well. They are waiting for parts for the PA system. A new roof at Glenrock is a priority. If funds are available, it could be done in this FY. Future projects for Douglas include HVAC, expansion to include a garage, and restroom areas. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary May Converse County Senior Citizen Service District June 6, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:09 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Kathy Patceg was excused. Others present; Nancie Fink. Rita moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on May 9, 2022, Cheri seconded, motion carried. Rita moved to approve the financial report for May: credits, tax revenue, $209,197.60; interest $181.53; debits; WASD $1,000 dues; CCAS, $90,000 allocation; CCAS $3,456 Glenrock Parking Lot. Balance in account $721,457.21. Investments; CCB - CD-100 - $500,747.95 CCB CD - 101 - $500,978.08 CCB CD-102 - $1,002,791.65 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $550,491.56 WYOSTAR - (not avail) Cheri seconded, motion carried. Budgets were discussed. Nancie stated the cost for the parking lot in Glenrock includes the roto-mill, spreading it, as well as the plug-ins and lighting. Nancie will do a narrative addressing the FY 23 $1,140,000 allocation request to reflect what those funds are used for. The Senior District proposed budget was approved, pending the final valuation from the Assessor. On our budget, Lucile explained that having a separate bookkeeper would allow us the separation of duties that the auditors suggested and would allow for that person to submit various required forms on behalf of our district. The election budget covers the approximate cost to the County to have our Board members' names (whose terms are up) on the ballot in November 2022. Nancie stated the following projects are complete: Douglas, motion sensor door, Glenrock, windows and blinds for each location at a cost of around $9,500 per location. (Note: $7500 has been budgeted in FY 23.) The windows in Douglas should be completed by the end of the month. The signage in Glenrock is ongoing. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:41 a.m., Cheri seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District July 11, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Cheri Reese was excused. Guests present: Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS, and Patty Taboga. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on June 6, 2022; Rita seconded, motion carried. Rita moved to approve the Treasurer's report: June income: $680,586.45 tax revenue; $275.68 interest. Expenditures; 1209 CCAS allocation $90,000; 1210 CCAS projects $130,293.44; 1211 PMCH, $19,200 FY 21 Audit; account balance: $1,162,805.90. Investments: CCB-CD-100 - $501,059.59 CCB CD - 101 - $501,071.23 CCB CD -102 - $1,003,024.66 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $550,941.21 WYOSTAR - $550,495.12 Approved for payment: 1212 Brennin Clark, $35; 1213 Voided, dup payment; 1214 CCAS $95,000 July allocation; 1215 USPS $70 box rent; 1216 Voided, overpayment, Douglas Budget; 1217 CCAS projects $72,189.25. There were several questions on the report as members tried to understand the data. Lucile seconded, motion carried. Kathy reviewed the FY 21 Audit from PMCH. Lucile asked about the policy that they wanted for budget amendments. The Board will initiate the suggested changes. PMCH will be retained for the FY 22 Audit. An engagement letter from PMCH should be forthcoming. Kathy will visit with the bookkeeper the district has hired through Skogen, Cometto & Associates. Lucile moved to approve the contract with Skogen, Cometto and Associates for monthly bookkeeping services (and other reports that maybe required) pending review by Kathy after meeting with that firm, Rita seconded, motion carried Dayna discussed various CCAS projects. The gutters for the Glenrock building do not need replacing, so those funds could be considered for other projects. Halogen lights may be needed in the Douglas parking lot, but this item was not budgeted. She stated that CCAS has purchased two animals from FFA members at Deer Creek Days and said someone would be attending the Natrona County Fair as Glenrock has members who will be selling market animals. (Note: July 11, 2022, Nancie added there was a miscommunication as no one with CCAS would be at the Natrona County Market Sale.) Lucile didn't believe this was appropriate or the intent of the PR discussion - the PR was about the Converse County Market Sale. Discussion followed. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:15 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District August 8, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Nancie Fink, Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS, and Patty Taboga. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on July 11, 2022 ; Rita seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income; tax $819,904.72, interest $410.12; expenses; 1212 Brennin Clark, $35; 1213 Voided, dup payment; 1214 $95,000 July allocation; 1215 USPS $70 box rent; 1216 Douglas Budget $633.86 (voided, reissued); 1217 CCAS projects $72,179.25. Account balance: $1,815,871.49. Investments: CCB-CD-100 - $500,000 CCB CD - 101 - $501,071.23 CCB CD -102 - $1,003,024.66 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $551,673.62 WYOSTAR - $550,922.57 Approved for payment: CCAS Projects $59,378.20; CCA$ Allocation $95,000.00, Douglas Budget $159, Brennin Clark $70, Atlas Office $176.70; CCAS Glenrock Parking Lot $174,809.50. The new bookkeeping report was reviewed. Cheri seconded, motion carried. Nancie reported on projects. The Glenrock Kitchen Remodel is on hold until the parking lot is complete; parking lot is scheduled to be completed on September 6, 2022; signage may be completed in a couple of weeks, blinds - ongoing Rita moved to adjourn at 11:15 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District September 12, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:09 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Absent, Kathy Patceg; Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS. Rita moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on August 8, 2022; Cheri seconded, motion carried. Cheri moved to approve the Treasurer's report given by Lucile: CCB account, income; tax $685,337.17, interest $892.55; debits $329,558.40; account balance: $2,172,542.81. approved for payment: #1225 CCAS projects: $100,523.06; #1224 CCAS Sep allocation; #1226 CCAS projects (Glenrock Parking Lot; Andreen Hunt) $308,498.00; Investments: CCB-CD-100 - $500,000 CCB CD - 101 - $501,071.23 CCB CD -102 - $1,003,024.66 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $552,670.72 WYOSTAR - $551,567.49 Rita seconded, motion carried. Nancie reported on projects. The Glenrock Parking Lot is complete besides for the walk through; Glenrock Sign will be completed soon, electrical is being installed now; Douglas Phase I (office space, restrooms on east side of the center) will be going out for bid and will start in the Spring; they may bid Phase I and Phase II together to see if there is a cost savings. Glenrock Kitchen Remodel may start around October 1; HVAC will be completed in September. The Glenrock Senior Center is having a BBQ on September 23, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Cheri asked about the market sale purchases and would like more discussion. Nancie said the CCAS Board was all in favor of the purchases and she believed it was a cost savings to their food budget. Rita asked about funding social items and senior trips, to include overnight trips, possibly going to Deadwood and other areas. Nancie stated their insurance does not cover out-of-state trips. She said that seniors will sign up and then won't go on the trips, which is very frustrating. Everyone agreed it is worth looking into if there is an interest and possibly coming up with budgeting numbers for FY 24. Nancie thought there needed to be a small cost to the seniors so they have buy-in. Lucile thought the allocation funding could be used for these events and suggested that Rita work with Nancie to find costs, etc. Cheri moved to adjourn at 11:10 a.m., Rita seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District October 10, 2022, Glenrock, Wyoming Treasurer Kathy Patceg (acting as protem) called the meeting to order at 10:09 a.m. Present: Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig, Cheri Reese and Lucile Taylor. Tim Ricker was excused Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS. Lucile distributed the minutes of the September 12, 2022 meeting. Kathy moved to approve as submitted, Cheri seconded, motion carried. Kathy distributed the Treasurer's report. The CCAS Projects list was discussed for clarification on the funds set aside for the upper parking lot in Glenrock. That project has not started. The Glenrock Senior Housing will allow connectivity for the vehicle plugins at that location from their power access at the apartments. It's not clear at this time who will pay the monthly charges, but Nancie hopes GSH will as it's their residents who will use the vehicle plugins. Timelines on other projects were also discussed as it relates to the availability of funds should we invest more funds. Rita moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $652,330.24, interest $1,286.36; debits $504,091.06; account balance: $2,322,068.35. Approved for payment: #1227 CNA Surety; projects #1228 CCAS $17,107.12; # 1229 CCAS Oct allocation; #1230 Kathy Patceg, reimbursement; #1231 Skogen & Assoc $701.25 bookkeeping services. CCB-CD-100 - $501,620.55 CCB CD - 101 - $502,144.76 CCB CD -102 - $1,006,058.47 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $553,754.06 WYOSTAR - $552,384.30 Rita moved to authorize $1,000,000 be taken from our bank account and invested in a CD at Converse County Bank, Cheri seconded. Discussion: the district has a large amount of funds in CCB that are not expected to be used; the interest rates are currently up so the longer we delay, the less interest we will earn; Kathy will talk to CCB about options for CDs on terms and rates. Motion carried unanimously. Nancie stated the remodel of the Glenrock kitchen will begin shortly. It's expected the dining room could be closed from 3 to 6 weeks. Meals will be delivered to those who currently receive the meals. Board members and Nancie will try to find a write in candidate for a four term on this Board. Lucile mentioned that Aleta Torgerson was possibly interested. Lucile asked that we keep each other informed of who agrees so we don't have extra candidates. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:15 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy Patceg, President Protem Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District November 14, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guests present were Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS; Cheri Reese, former Board member, and Don Luhrsen, recently elected Board member. A small social was held to thank Cheri Reese for her contributions to the Board. Newly elected members Tim Ricker, Rita Redig and Don Luhrsen were given the Oaths of Office by Lucile. The oaths will be on file with the secretary. carried. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2022, Rita seconded, motion Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $760,931.91, interest $2,132.26; debits $1,112,989.10; account balance: $1,972,143.42. Approved for payment: #1232 CCAS $95,000 Nov Allocation; #1233 CCAS $92,401.48 projects; #1234 Skogen & Assoc $187.93 bookkeeping services. CD #257 started October 14, 2022 and is for 18 months. Interest will be posted around the 14th of each month. Investments: CCB-CD-100 - $502,144.76 CCB CD - 101 - $501,620.55 CCB CD -102 - $1,006,058.47 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $555,158.40 WYOSTAR - $553,290.67 Dayna said the sign for the Glenrock Senior Center is working and there will be some tweaks as the staff learns the program and how to change the displays. The sign can be changed remotely as long as the internet is up. The Glenrock kitchen remodel is going well and they are hoping for a December 1, 2022 completion date. Election of officers was held. After some discussion about responsibilities of the offices, Lucile moved to put forward the following slate: Tim, President; Don, Vice-President; Kathy, Treasurer and Lucile, Secretary. Rita did not want an office. Kathy seconded; motion carried. New Business. Rita and Kathy thought that the new sign in Glenrock would be better if there was directional signage pointing towards the center. Rita felt the sign was confusing as people may go into the Rec Center thinking that is where the senior center is located. Lucile wondered if directional signage could be added under the sign. Old Business: Kathy and Lucile discussed the conference call with PMCH, our auditors. After the conference call and upon further review and a lengthy discussion, a couple of projects may need to be reconsidered. Tim will discuss them with Nancie. Kathy moved to adjourn at 3:42 p.m., Don seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary June Converse County Senior Citizen Service District December 12, 2022, Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig, Don Luhrsen and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS. Rita moved to approve the minutes of November 14, 2022, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $1,361,215.32, interest $2,805.94; debits $187,401.48; account balance: $3,148,763.20. Approved for payment: #1235 CCAS $95,000 Dec Allocation; #1236 CCAS $92,401.48 projects; #1237 Brennin Clark, website $187.93; #1238 Lucile Taylor $227.62 office equipment; #1239 PMCH $20,000.00 FY 22 Audit. Investments: CCB - CD - 100 - $501,620.55 CCB CD - 101 - $502,144.76 CCB CD - 102 - $1,006,058.47 CCB CD - 257 - $1,000,000.00 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $556,836.03 WYOSTAR - $ 554,407.97 Kathy addressed some concerns she had with our financials. One concern is that we have too much money in our account, along with investments. Also, how this Board spends the funds on projects - which should be capital assets by definition. Lucile stated that a purchasing policy is needed for this Board which defines capital assets. Don stated he had called a couple of state offices and they would like to discuss the asset concern in person. Don, Tim and possibly Kathy will try to meet with them in January 2023 to get direction. Lucile stated that the electricity for the vehicle outlets at the Glenrock Housing Authority needs to be paid by GHA. Nancie stated the Glenrock dining room will be open again next Monday. Also, the Glenrock sign is not working and that may be a connectivity issue. The software program is also difficult to use. She will call the software company. Nancie would like to take down the wall at the Douglas Center that separates the staff from the public. This should allow for a better atmosphere. Don brought up possible ideas for expansion of services that he had heard from various resources. One was that Subaru will donate a vehicle for Meals on Wheels. Nancie stated the centers don't qualify as they are not part of the Meals on Wheels program. Other programs discussed were dementia services, respite care, adult day care, and nursing services. Nancie stated that finding employees has been difficult which makes expanding services hard to do. Kathy moved to approve the CY 2023 meeting dates as submitted, Don seconded, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:58 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary
- Minutes 2024 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > General Business > Minutes 2024 Converse County Senior Citizen Service District January 8, 2024 Douglas, Wyoming Converse County Senior Citizen Special Service District's Minutes 2024 President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Don moved to approve the minutes of December 11, 2023, Rita seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $454,522.85; interest $5,236.82; debits: $17,046.36; account balance: $3,954,672.32. Approved for payment: District #1323: Skogen Cometto, Bookkeeping $180.00; #1324 Brennin Clark, Website $323.85; #1333 Kathy Patceg, VPN Virus Software $104.90; CCAS #1332 January Allocation $125,000; #1334 CCAS December allocation balance due $124,875.00*; GHA: #1325 Casper Window and Door $8,816.00**; #1326 GHA Computers $1,969.95; #1327 Atlas Premier Copier $2,975.00; #1328 CNM Plumbing $5,157.75; #1329 CNM Plumbing $2,730.00; #1338 Casper Window & Door $1,600**; Riverside Plaza: #1330 Rapid Fire $28,079.00; #1335 Riverside Plaza $907.65; #1337 Comtronix $1646.02; void: #1331 and #1336. (*CCAS #1332, bank deposited check as $125.00; therefore, check #1334 was issued to get the total amount to $125,000 that was approved in Dec;) (** #1325 was approved at $10,416.00; however, that amount did not include an invoice for $1,600 that was overlooked; therefore, check #1338 was issued for $1,600 to bring the total of the two checks to $10,416.00.) I nvestments: CCB CD 100 - $512,809.25 CCB CD-101 - $517,605.70 CCB CD-102 - $1,034,747.46 CCB CD - 257 - $1,027,767.85 CCB CD - 466 - $1,836,937.16 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $587,720.50 WYOSTAR - $577,572.90 R Rita seconded, motion carried. Don moved to keep the same officers through October 2024, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy, Rita and Lucile stated they did not intend to run for this Board at the election in November 2024. Updates: CCAS Casper Smith and Cheryl Schwartzkopf provided the following. Heather Hale is the new kitchen manager (cook) in Douglas, Linda McGuire will be the bookkeeper and Kristen Shaw will be the Douglas Site Manager. A site manager for Glenrock has not been named. Cheryl stated there are building issues with water leakage downstairs at the DSC and flooding issues plus wall movement in the basement of the GSC. Riverside I and II Laura Boynton stated the fire alarm and suppression projects are complete. The cooling system project in both units is in progress. She asked for a budget amendment using leftover project funds for painting of the pipes, removal of the trash compactor by Blackburn, and sidewalk repair for RS I. She will get bids and/or quotes. GHA: Bob McCormick reviewed projects. The generator is on hold until testing is done; GHA will need approximately $48,000 to fix siding issues. He is asking his board for approval and it may be a budget request for the next FY. He stated the wall and hallway between GHA and the Glenrock Senior Center need to be fixed as it is too steep and possibly could be a shared project. Lucile said it would be better for this project to be under one entity and not shared. DHA Kathy Johnson was ill so did not attend. She relayed that the elevator project should start soon. Rita moved to ratify the request of GHA to use leftover funds of up to $5,500 for the purchase of computers and a printer, Don seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the CY 2024 board meeting dates, Don seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Janaury Converse County Senior Citizen Service District February 12, 2024 Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg (via conference call) and Lucile Taylor. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of January 8, 2024, Rita seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $691,550.12; interest $5,815.88; debits: $279.116.87, account balance: $4,372,921.45. Approved for payment: District #1339 CCAS Feb allocation $125,000; #1334 (in Jan minutes); #1349 Skogen Cometto bookkeeping $615.25; GHA: #1340 KONE $7,190.00; $1342 Atlas Stand $150.00; #1342 CNM Plumbing $7,500,00; #1343 CNM Plumbing $5,160.00; 1344 D&N Construction $1,300.00; #1345 Wy Blinds & Shutters $6,198.60; #1338 Integrity Electric (in Jan minutes); Riverside Plaza: #1346 Long Technologies $81,494.00; #1347 307 Disposal $647.70; 1348 Long Technologies $63,099.00; #1337 Comtronix (in Jan min) void: #1335 and #1336; Investments: CCB CD 100 - $512,809.25 CCB CD-101 - $517,605.70 CCB CD-102 - $1,034,747.46 CCB CD - 257 - $1,036,694.26 CCB CD - 466 - $1,836,937.16 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $590,403.08 WYOSTAR - $579,743.83 Lucile discussed possible language for the ballot question which would be: ORIGINAL QUESTION: "Shall the Converse County Senior Citizens Service District be authorized to continue with a maximum levy of 2 mills to be imposed on the taxable property of the district?" (Add); "The funds shall be used to provide services, remodeling, repairs and building updates to the senior centers. In addition, funds may be used as per WSS for repairs, building code updates, upgrades and remodeling for the senior housing units within Converse County." Lucile asked Karen Rimmer, County Clerk, to see if the Legislative Service Office would help with the language. Don moved to accept the Resolution from Converse County Bank insuring our deposits in excess of $250,000 for CY 2024, Rita seconded, motion carried. Updates: CCAS:, Casper stated a contractor was looking at the drainage that is causing seepage into the basement at the Douglas center; Ann Rex stated there was a need for additional transport vehicles; GHA and Glenrock Center: Bob McCormick, Della Snelling and Kristen Shaw (Douglas Site Manager) are looking at drainage issues for the walkway between Barber Appts and the Glenrock Senior Center. Bob stated they had 1 partial quote for $4900 from a structural engineer. Rita suggested the starting point of the covered walkway should be moved to alleviate slope and drainage issues. GHA's request for the following: Intercom system, $9,653.09 (work completed); 5 more new refrigerators $4,390.00; furniture for Common area $22,565.00; TV for Common Area $1888.94 (total $38,479.03) was tabled until the next meeting. Leftover funds from the door/window project would be used. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:11 a.m Rita moved to adjourn at 11:45 a.m., Don seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District March 11, 2024 Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of February 12, 2024, Don seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the Treasurer's report with an addition from February and to withhold payment on 4 invoices: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $343,826.04; interest $5,681.29; debits: $39,567.40; account balance: $4,402,861.38. Approved for payment: [added to Feb financials: Riverside Plaza U1337 Comtronix $1,646.02); District #1364 Kathy Patceg, print cartridges $60.89; #1366 Skogen Cometto Bookkeeping $400.00; #1352 CCAS Mar allocation $125,000.00; GHA: #1353 GHA (replaces Feb check to Kone) $7,190.00; #1354 Intercom $9,635.09; #1355 Cost Plus Void; #1356 Irwin's Furniture Void; #1357 Best Buy Void; #1358 GHA Window Blinds $324.84; #1359 GHA Showers $200.42; #1360 CNM Plumbing $5,185.00; #1361 CNM Plumbing $2,417.00; 1362 CNM Plumbing $7,947.10; #1363 Moser Energy $28,805.50 #1369 GHA Vyve Internet $11,230; CCAS #1367 CCAS Carpenter Bus Down payment $20,000; #1368 Carpenter Bus 2024 Bus $107,800.00; #1369 Carpenter Bus 2025 Bus $107,800.00; Riverside Plaza: #1364 Mario Builders $17,500.00; Investments: CCB CD 100 - $512,809.25 CCB CD-101 - $517,605.70 CCB CD-102 - $1,034,747.46 CCB CD - 257 - $1,036,964.26 CCB CD - 466 - $1,855,689.02 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $592,898.72 WYOSTAR - $581,874.94 Lucile seconded, motion carrier. Ann Rex discussed the 2 busses for CCAS. She will need checks shortly to pay for the busses. Don moved to write checks now for both and have Ann hold the checks until delivery, Lucile seconded, motion carried. Ann Clement, Director of Programs, Alzheimer's Association, discussed expanding dementia services into Converse County. She is willing to meet with key community partners to discuss possibilities. Lucile stated the Senior District Board can help fund, but the program has to be offered through the senior centers due to WSS restrictions. The four (4) tabled invoices submitted by GHA from the last meeting were addressed. Tim asked if they were an emergency and Della said no. The invoice for the intercom system was approved. Della said she would withdraw the others and put them in the 2025 budget request. Lucile discussed the proposed wording for the ballot question at the Nov 2024 General Election. Rita felt the reference to the WSS is important so try to leave that language in the question. Lucile discouraged changing the ballot language as the district would have to adhere to the changes for the next 4 years. The proposed language will be forwarded to the County Clerk. GHA requested approval for Vyve internet services which will benefit them, the Glenrock Senior Center and surrounding homes. Don moved to approve the invoice and issue a check, Kathy seconded, motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District April 8, 2024 Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Rachel Nelson was introduced as the Glenrock Site Manager for the Glenrock Senior Center. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of March 11, 2024, Rita seconded, discussion: Don said that the minutes should include that Tim would talk to KKTY radio about sharing our successes; motion carried. Don moved to approve the Treasurer's report for March: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $584,180.14; interest $6,158.09; debits: $598,055.82; account balance: $4,395,143.79. Approved for payment: District #1371 CCAS April Allocation $125,000.00; #1376 Skogen Cometto Bookkeeping $427.50; GHA: #1372 CNM $4,105.00; #1373 CNM $5,195.00; #1374 Vyve $11,230.00; #1369 GHA/Vyve $11,230.00; #1375 CNM $14,850.00; Riverside Plaza: #1370 ABC Siding $130,000.00; Checks approved in March: #1367, 1368, 1369. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $521,758.83 CCB CD-101 - $522,186.86 CCB CD-102 - $1,042,486.80 CCB CD - 257 - $1,036,964.26 CCB CD - 466 - $1,855,689.02 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $595,554.79 WYOSTAR - $583,957.07 Lucile seconded, motion carried. General discussion items: CCAS reported they had ordered 55 of the Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) items to provide to seniors and to have on hand. Cindy Porter, CCAS Board, stated the attendance at senior happenings, including meals, has increased tremendously. Della, GHA, stated the screens will be installed soon. Don suggested that it would be nice if the center had wheel carts to loan out. Lucile said that candidate filing for the Special District board will happen in August for names to be on the General Election ballot, which will also include the question if the special district should continue for four (4) more years. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:32 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District May 13, 2024 Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of April 8, 2024, Don seconded, motion carried. Rita moved to approve the Treasurer's report for April: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $403,702.15; interest $6,116.20; debits: $160,807.50; account balance: $4,644,154.64. Approved for payment: District #1384 CCAS May Allocation $125,000.00; 1383 Skogen Cometto Bookkeeping $265.00; CCAS #1385 TDS $654.72; #1386 High Country Healthwatch $2,435.00; GHA: #1377 CNM $5,060.00; #1378 CNM $5,160.00; DHA #1379 Caya Const $59,535.00; Riverside Plaza: #1380 Don's Mobile Carpet $16,122.00; #1381 ABC Siding $67,200.00; #1382 ABC Siding $65,300.00. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $521,758.83 CCB CD-101 - $522,186.86 CCB CD-102 - $1,042,486.80 CCB CD - 257 - $1,042,486.80 CCB CD - 466 - $1,855,689.02 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $598,137.57 WYOSTAR - $586,040.07 Discussion: Rita asked if the Lifelines could come from the CCAS allocation and Lucile stated they could, but the options and decision were left up to CCAS. Kathy stated our credit card will be cancelled as we are not using it. Everyone voted to approve the change requested by Douglas Housing Authority to do the parapet now using the elevator funds. The elevator funds will not be needed until FY 25 and will be included in that budget. Kathy will submit a revised budget request. Lucile seconded, motion carried. The FY 25 budget requests were discussed. Kristen Shaw, CCAS, requested removal of the $8,000 for trees. Kathy Johnson, DHA, stated the door request is for 1 door on the storage closets and 1 or 2 doors on the other closets in each apartment. The number of doors varies among the apartments. She also discussed the gadgets to put out stove top fires. Don moved to approve the purchase of Lifelines by CCAS, Rita seconded, motion carried. This board will hold a budget work session on Monday, May 20, 2024 at the Douglas Senior Center. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District June 10, 2024 Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Luciie Tayior. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of May 13, 2024, Don seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report for May: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $408,151.81; interest $6,508.20; debits: $279,531.72; account balance: $4,779,282.93. Approved for payment: District #1389 CCAS June Allocation $125,000.00; CCAS #1390 Van, Glenrock $88,135.00; GHA: #1394 CIIVI $5,220.00; #1395 CNM $15,304.00; DHA #1393 Caya Const $59,535.00; Riverside Piaza: #1391 Long Technologies $12,365.00; #1392 Long Technologies $58,892.00; Investments: CCB CD 100 - $521,758.83 CCB CD-101 - $522,186.86 CCB CD-102 - $1,042,486.80 CCB CD - 257 - $1,046,142.10 CCB CD - 466 - $1,874,220.49 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $600,813.22 WYOSTAR - $588,158.63 Don seconded, motion carried. Discussion: The transition of invoices for the next FY was discussed. It was decided that if the invoices were presented timely and carried a date of July 1 or later, they could be processed at the July 8th meeting. This should help with down payments or other invoices on FY 25 projects. Otherwise, the normal procedures will be followed. Rachel stated that CCAS is receiving a steady supply of the Lifelines for new customers. Casper stated he will get with Kristen about the architects' delays in getting a design for the additions to the Douglas Sr. Center. Lucile said that $16,646 has already been paid for this project. Cheryl suggested repainting the Douglas center. She passed out the plans for the Glenrock Center's hallway that connects to Barber Apartments. Lucile asked if CCAS's minutes could be distributed to the Senior Citizen Service Board members. Don asked how many attended the Alzheimer's informational meeting and could he get the notes? Casper said Kristen attended and he will see if she took notes. There were about 18 who attended the meeting The changes in meals at both senior centers were discussed. Originally, the board thought they could serve the same meals at both centers, but the taste of each center varies from the other center, so that didn't work well. Overall, everyone had compliments on the food at both centers. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:08 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District July 8, 2024 Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:19 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Rita moved to approve the minutes of June 10, 2024, Don seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report for June: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $276,741.65; interest $6,324.66; debits: $293,194.00; account balance: $4,769,175.04. Approved for payment: District #1415 Skogen Cometto Bookkeeping $212.50; #1416 Douglas Budget PHA $544.00; #1417 USPO Rent $84.00; CCAS # 1400 Allocation $125,000.00; #1401 Freezer $9,152.84; # 1402 CCAS Link Proj $6,279.84; #1403 Link Proj $8,000.00; #1404 Link Proj $3,000.00; GHA: #1396 CNM $12,500.00; #1397 CNM $5,170.00; #1398 CNM $8,980.00; #1399 CNM $1,380.00; #1411 ABC Seamless $76,235.00; #1412 Cost Plus $4,390.00; #1413 Cost Plus $13,508.00; #1414 Kone $49,190; Riverside Plaza: #1405 R Stones Electric $240,230.75; #1406 Paquette Family $6,800.00; #1407 Casper Cameras $3,753.75; # 1408 Casper Cameras $3,768.75; # 1409 Stoner Lawn $11,250.00; #1410 Cogar Mechanical $49,150.00. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $521,758.83 CCB CD-101 - $526,859.36 CCB CD-102 - $1,050,369.71 CCB CD - 257 - $1,046,142.10 CCB CD - 466 - $1,874,220.49 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $603,418.60 WYOSTAR - $590,319.61 Don seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the Audit Request Response for Riverside Plaza #1, Rita seconded, motion Don moved to approve the Audit contract with PMCH for FY 24 as submitted, Rita seconded, motion Don moved to approve the bookkeeping services contract for FY 25 with Skogen Cometto & Assoc with the one item struck as they don't submit that report, Rita seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the additional FY 25 funds for Converse County Aging Services, roofs for both centers, $119,000.00. Kathy seconded, motion carried. Don moved to adopt the FY 25 budget with the additional $119,000 in funds for CCAS, Rita seconded, motion carried. The adopted budget with signatures is attached. Rita inquired about the justification for the CCAS allocation. Lucile stated that was still needed, but financial reports were needed. A financial report was submitted by CCAS for May 2024, but prior to that, they weren't available in an acceptable format. This board needs a specific report on what the $125,000 funded in the previous month. There is an additional $75,000 per month in allocation, but that cannot be accessed until there is justification by CCAS. A discussion followed about opportunities to let the public know of what has been accomplished with the tax dollars. Ideas were WSF float, pass out brochures, articles in the newspaper, and do a mailing with pics of the most popular updates. Tax dollars CANNOT be spent to state vote "Yes", it can only be informational. Kim Hiser inquired about busses. Cheryl Schwartzkopf stated that they needed some information from Ann Rex. A restricted budget of $300,000 was included by Lucile in CCAS' FY 25 budget request pending a discussion with CCAS. Kelly Sishc discussed her concern with tax dollars going to a private business. To everyone's knowledge, that is not happening. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:52 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District August 12, 2024 Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of July 8, 2024, Don seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report for July: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $236,758.40; interest $6,101.32; debits: $698,586.09; account balance: $4,313,448.67. Approved for payment: CCAS #1419 Allocation $125,000.00; #1420 Additional Allocation $75,000; #1421 Hallway Link $13,233.50; #1422 Landscape $4,000; #1423 MySenior $5,000; #1424 Garage $3,000; Riverside Plaza: #1425 Cogar Mechanical $49,150; #1426 7 Stones Electric $118,285.35; #1427 Asphalt Doctors $5,413.61; #1428 Sage Landscaping $7,000; #1429 Paquette Family $6,800.00; #1430 Casper Cameras $3,753.75; #1431 Cogar Mechanical $35,345; RP 2: #1433 Casper Cameras $3,768.75; #1434 Asphalt Doctors $2,757.68; # 1435 MAC Equipment $42,900; DHA #1437 Caya Const $330,000; #1438 Marlo Builders $65,000; GHA: #1431 Irwin's $14,000; #1432 Short Power $351.49. Voided checks: #1418; Stopped payment #1381 ABC (wait until project is complete and approved, then reissue). Additional Check: #1439, CCAS Grant for $350,000. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $521,758.83 CCB CD-101 - $526,859.36 CCB CD-102 - $1,050,369.71 CCB CD - 257 - $1,055,401.17 CCB CD - 466 - $1,874,220.49 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $606,126.99 WYOSTAR - $592,530.80 Kathy received 3 additional invoices from CCAS. CCAS will pay those from their allocation. Lucile cautioned everyone to complete the information on the perjury stamp as that is the responsibility of the agency that requested the service or product. She suggested if they were not complete when submitted, then no payment should be authorized. Rita moved to approve the additional $17,000 budget request of Douglas Housing Authority for drop-in sinks to be installed, Kathy seconded, motion carried. The additional funds will come from unspent funds or the reserves. Cheryl Schwartzkopf, CCAS Board of Directors, provided financial statements and stated they would provide them monthly. She also requested a $350,000 grant to sustain them financially while they get a handle on their financials, lack of grant income and other concerns. Lucile reiterated the importance of providing information as to the expenses covered by the allocation which has been approved and increased by $75,000 to $200,000 monthly. Lucile moved to authorize the $350,000 grant, Don seconded, motion carried. Funds will come from the Reserve Fund. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District September 9, 2024 Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor (via conf call). Kathy moved to approve the minutes of August 12, 2024, Rita seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the Treasurer's report Aug: CCB account, income: tax revenue, $147,7336.63; interest $4,968.83.00; debits: $1,252,069.09; account balance: $3,242,890.54 Approved for payment: District #1440 Skogen Cometto Bookkeeping $396.55; #1450 Skogen Cometto Bookkeeping $1, 018.70; CCAS #1441 Allocation $200,000.00; #1442 Generator $76,694.10 #1443 Douglas Garage $3,000.00; #1444 Barber Apt Link $7,627.50; DHA #1447 Washing Machines $8,205.00; GHA #1448 CNM $7,000.00; #1449 CNM Thermostats $34,000.00; Riverside Plaza: #1445 ABC Seamless $67,200.00; #1446 7 Stone Electric $71,777.00; Investments: CCB CD 100 - $521,758.83 CCB CD-101 - $526,859.36 CCB CD-102 - $1,050,369.71 CCB CD - 257 - $1,055,401.17 CCB CD - 466 - $1,894,297.76 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $608,835.17 WYOSTAR - $594,930.42 Rita moved to approve the F32 Survey report, Tim seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the Annual Report Summary which requires us to have an audit, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy stated that it may be time to hire a bookkeeping firm to do the tasks she currently does. With the addition of the housing units, the workload has increased. Our current bookkeeping firm (Skogen Cometto), Leonard Holler and Lucile were discussed as options. Della asked to remove the emergency generator request for Glenrock Housing Authority until more information is available. Don asked Tim if he could get the PSA done with the Radio Station about the projects this board has funded. Lucile will get with Matt about a flyer. Kathy moved to go into Executive Session per WSS regarding the purchase of land, Don seconded, motion carried. The regular meeting reconvened at 11:13 a.m. Lucile moved to authorize Tim, Don or Lucile to act on behalf of this Board in making an offer on the land that is in the best interest of the special district, Kathy seconded, motion carried. All board members were in agreement to pursue. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District October 13, 2024 Glenrock, Wyoming Pesident Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Don moved to approve the minutes of September 9, 2024, Rita seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report for September: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $265,554.72; interest $4,106.17; debits: $488,858.89; account balance: $3,023,692.54. Approved for payment: CCAS #1451Medical Alert $6,000; #1452 Generator $1,500; #1453 Glenrock Wall $3,200; #1454 Douglas Garage $2,422.50; #1455 Glenrock Wall $550; #1456 Tree removal $2,250; #1457 Hall Ramp Asbestos $390; #1458 Oct Allocations; DHA #1463 CAYA Stucco $192,000; #1464 Chris Edmunds Parking Lot $11,384; #1466 CAYA Roof Drain $25,000; GHA: #1459 Gary's Locksmith door handles $11,132; # 1460 CNM Heat Pumps $106,600; #1461 CNM Thermostats $3,145; #1462 Montana Shed $8,815.97: Special District: #1467 CC Treasurer, Tax Refund $2,269,022.94; # 1468 PMCH Partial Audit $15,000; Voided checks: #1465; Investments: CCB CD 100 - $532,555.66 CCB CD-101 - $531,573.67 CCB CD-102 - $1,058,312.23 CCB CD - 257 - $1,055,401.17 CCB CD - 466 - $1,894,297.76 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $611,412.03 WYOSTAR - $597,151.17 Don seconded, motion carried. Lucile discussed cashing in the older two CDs at CCB to meet upcoming expenditures. Kathy will get with CCB to check out the logistics. Bruce Jones discussed possible funding needed for plumbing issues found in the apartments at Irwin Towers. The cost could be around $1,000 per unit and there are 49 units. A question was asked if HUD could possibly fund this project. Don moved to set aside $49,000.00, Kathy seconded, motion carried. The funds would come from the reserves. This Board's purchase of the Todd Taylor property was discussed. The walk through will be October 24, 2024. Ideas for usage were put forth. The property is being conveyed to CCAS. Cheryl Schwartzkopf said that Tara Davidson from Douglas and Joleen Warren from Glenrock are the two new CCAS board members. Della said that GHA is asking for new bids on their emergency generator project. Don provided the Resolution that the Clerk's Office and Commissioners will initiate after the election which generally restates the outcome. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary
- Minutes 2021 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > General Business > Minutes 2021 Converse County Senior Citizen Special Service District's Minutes 2021 Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Douglas Senior Center January 11, 2021 Amended - April 12, 2021 Members present: Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Ron Yates, Lucile Taylor and Bill Canaday. Others present: Nancie Fink and Troy Hunsucker. The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 AM. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Financial Report: Kathy passed out the bank statement with the Reconciliation Detail showing everything balanced with $2,210,848.18 in the account. Kathy has included an expense by vendor detail for Lucile Taylor. Ron brought in the technology from Joanne Desmarais, former board member. Bills and claims from CCAS allocation, advertising, and the county clerk for the General Election. Bill moved to pay the bills and claims and accept the Financial report, Ron seconded, motion carried. Lucile Taylor and Kathy Patceg and Bill Canaday were sworn in as board members. New members were given the oath and Bill signed certificates of the Oaths of Office. Kathy introduced Troy Hunsucker (Regional Director, Marketing) from Wyoming Class to discuss the possible Public Fund investments. Troy explained different kinds of investments that are possible for the CCSCSDB. Troy explained options for different kinds of investment. Nancie's report: The sign is up and running in Douglas. A new computer was purchased. There is a need for more staff training as they learn how to use the technology so the public can read the information. Nancie showed maps of the parking lot showing ownership. Nancie needs to meet with different entities to find out how much money will come from each entity. Kathy made a motion to accept Nancie's report, Ron seconded, motion passed. Nancie said the van will be here at the end of January. Nancie explained that the architect said the center needed to clear up the boundaries or get permission from the Housing Authority complex or the City of Douglas before the remodeling project could move forward. She will visit with the City of Douglas first. Old business: The sign in Douglas is up and running. MOU was passed around for signatures and Nancie will pass onto the CCAS board for signatures. Kathy has visited with the CPA about the FY 20 Audit report several times. The audit report needs Tim's signature before it is sent to the state. Tim talked about mileage reimbursement for private vehicles going to meetings in Douglas, Glenrock and other places. Lucile will bring information pertaining to mileage reimbursements. New business: Election of officers for the year 2021. Lucile made a motion to keep the officers' members the same as in the past for calendar year 2021, Tim seconded, motion carried. Lucile and Tim will go to the bank and see about interest from the bank. Kathy was advised that investment policy needs to follow state guidelines. Tim asked if the Payne Plaza could use the center if there was a power outage. Ron brought the returned computer and printer from Joanne. No one had a need for the computer. Kathy will not be at the next meeting. Tim has the check book if needed. Kathy moved to add Lucile's name to the bank account, Ron seconded, motion carried. Ron moved to adjourn, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Bill Canaday, Secretary Tim Ricker, Chairman January Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board February 15, 2021 Glenrock Senior Center Members present: Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Lucile Taylor and Bill Canaday Member absent: Kathy Patceg Others present: Nancie Fink and Sam Evans The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 a.m. Minutes of the last meeting were approved and order filed. Bill did not have the oath to swear in Ron and said he would look for that and bring it to the next meeting. Financial Report: Lucile gave the bank statement with a balance of $2,437,250.74 and a credit from Converse County Treasurer for $226,984.78. Checks were paid to Aging Services for $75,000, check deposit for $234.00 from Joann, warrant for $420 to Douglas Budget, $536.44 to County Clerk for election, interest $140.22 at .07% and balance $2.437,250.74. Bills and claims were paid. Bill made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Tim, motion carried. Tim read the letter from the Converse County Bank about the formal application that authorizes the pledging of securities in excess of $250,000. Motion made to accept Resolution of Board of Directors by Lucile and seconded by Ron, motion carried. The Resolution of the Board of Directors paperwork was signed and will be returned to CCB. Tim stated he would like a new computer to use for district business. Nancie's report: Nancie passed out the Balance Sheet from Converse County Aging Services, Inc. Nancie provided information on what needs to be paid. The transmission went out on the van. Nancie stated the bills have been paid and will present invoices at our next meeting. The new van might be here by the end of February. Nancie brought January financials to look at. Tim and Nancie met with the City of Douglas and the city will do what is necessary to move forward with projects. Nancie explained there will be some changes made to the projects after meeting with the city. There will be changes to costs after final changes by architects. The garage was discussed and the thought was to move forward even though it is different from the remodel project. By moving forward, the Board can see how the garage will fit with the current project. Old business: Lucile passed out the form for Mileage Reimbursement for business trips and explained that everyone needs to be consistent. IRS mileage is $.56/mile for FY 2021. Lucile thought we should have policies in place first and will bring additional information to the next meeting. New business: A special district notice was received for February 24-25 in Cheyenne for Conservation District Employee Certification Training. One can go on the website and make reservations. Ron gave a summary of the agenda. Tim expressed an interest in going. Ron made a motion to pay expenses for the trip in a sum of $600.00 and if it is more, the district will pay, seconded by Lucile, motion carried. Lucile will check into getting a credit card from the bank. Ron stated he would like to get the computer back from Nancie that Joann had. Nancie will get it to Ron. There was discussion about buying equipment for the current project and storing to help with potential savings since there may be price increases later. Ron moved to adjourn, Lucile seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Bill Canaday, Secretary February Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Douglas Senior Center March 8, 2021 Members present: Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Lucile Taylor and Bill Canaday Members absent: Ron Yates Others present: Nancie Fink The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 a.m. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with corrections. Discussion of Records: Kathy will make corrections to the Investment Policy and bring it to the next meeting. Kathy is the public records person for requests. The minutes of all meetings will be signed by the President and Secretary. The minutes need to be kept forever. Bill stated the minutes are in a 3 ring binder and in folders on his computer. The records are hard copy and digital. Lucile said we should have a limit for length of time to keep other records as determined by State Archives. Financial Report: Kathy stated that the bank statement for January was in order. Kathy passed out the February bank statement and everything is good. We received interest on our account totaling $573.21 for February. Tim went to a meeting in Cheyenne on February 25th and explained his costs and will turn in his expenses. Tim will give back any money he did not use for the trip and will deposit it in the bank. Motion made by Lucile, seconded by Bill to pay bills and claims of $150.00 WY Association for Conservation membership fee; $70.60 for mileage for Tim's expenses; CCAS allocation of $75,000; final payment for sign $24,601; and permit fee for sign $3,101 to Converse County Aging Services, passed by all. Motion made by Bill to accept Financial Report, seconded by Lucile and passed by all. Tim stated that there will still be more revenue coming in from FY 21. Nancie's report: Nancie discussed the funding sources for the Glenrock parking lot improvements. Nancie is sending information to 5 construction companies for bids. She will go to several different meetings in that parking lot. Nancie stated that Casper and George would go to the City of Douglas to see if they could fix potholes in Douglas parking lot for public safety. Nancie stated that the 2 boards have done a good job moving forward. The new vehicle was discussed without an exact date for delivery and there will be an additional charge due to changes. Old business: Nancie brought in visual aids for the Glenrock parking lot to show ownership. Kathy stated that the Audit report will be coming soon, along with a bill. Lucile discussed the mission and vision statements related to the proposed policy. Kathy had questions and the group discussed what needs to be done and changes that need to be clarified. Changes need to be made to reflect the state law. Suggestion made to adopt policy and attach MOU. Lucile will do some research for clarification on what happens if there is a change in all board members. New business: There was discussion on the sale of old vehicles with more information to follow. Kathy passed out FY 21 Fiscal Year Budget sheets to compare with Nancie's report to see what has changed with cost for the updates and other work. Kathy stated that our Audit/accounting costs may increase. The virus scan needs to be updated and Kathy will look into it. The signatures for the Credit Card Application were obtained and the application will go back to the Converse County Bank. Bill moved to adjourn, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Bill Canaday, Secretary March Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board April 12, 2021 Glenrock Senior Center Members present: Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Lucile Taylor, Kathy Patceg and Bill Canaday Others present: Nancie Fink The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 a.m. The minutes of the last meeting were approved with corrections (last line, first page "to" will be replaced with "on") and order filed.. Kathy did an amendment to the January minutes to take Bill off as being sworn in as new board member and updated the February minutes.. Motion made by Ron to accept all changes, seconded by Kathy, motion carried. Kathy stated the virus protections have expired on our computers. It was suggested to download the free Avast and CCleaner. Financial Report: Kathy passed out the Converse County Bank statement. The Reconciliation Summary was up to date. Kathy passed out the Bills and Claims for review.. Kathy had an additional invoice for the Dodge Van, $53,552.00.. Lucile stated she would like to see a comparison of expenditures compared to the adopted budget. Lucile moved to accept the financial report, seconded by Ron, motion carried. Nancie's report: Nancie discussed the problems she has encountered in making payments to the IRS.. Nancie stated the last payment of $265,675.41 should be the final one.. Board members had questions about the IRS that Nancie answered.. Nancie did not go to the Glenrock Town Council meeting about the Barber Apartment shared parking lot.. Old business: Ron Yates was given the Oath of Office by Bill. New business: Kathy will notify Matt Adelman, the Douglas Budget, of the budgeting work session. Kathy will see if she can tweak the investment policy and talk to Troy about investments before the committee meets.. Ron will be in charge of the committee with Kathy and Lucile also serving. There will be more research into investment companies by having them present their plans. Kathy passed out the proposed budget worksheets and discussed income and expenses page by page. Lucile suggested that there should be a distinction made in the minutes for historical purposes about which town is being referenced on projects. Kathy will contact the Douglas Budget to get an annual contract for the legal notices. Kathy will check about bonding for those on the checking account. She will also check on the website. Nancie will update her balance sheet for individual projects to show what has been paid and what remains to be paid per project. Nancie will provide an itemized breakdown for projects (budgeted and spent). Lucile suggested that the vehicles being disposed of need to go out for bid so there is a justification for new vehicles. There will be a budget work session, Thursday April, 22 at Glenrock Senior Center at 10:00 a.m. Nancie will show her Board the budget and explain it at their next meeting. It was suggested by Lucile to look at policies in the next meeting. Lucile will contact the Local Government Liability Pool to see if there is liability coverage they offer that this Board should purchase. Bill moved to adjourn, Ron seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Bill Canaday, Secretary April Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Douglas Senior Center May 10, 2021 Members present: Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Lucile Taylor, Bill Canaday and Ron Yates Others present: Nancie Fink, Sally Suppes The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00a.m. Sally Suppes from Travelers presented the Nonprofit Directors and Officers Liability coverage plans that could work for this board in case there was a lawsuit. The total would be about $1,500 for protection for a year for all board members. Lucile stated she would agree, but would like to revisit this after a year and see if there are different rates and if it is needed. There was discussion about bonding for the funds held by this board. Sally will give us a quote from Fidelity and Crime Coverage and Nonprofit Directors and Officers Liability for bonding. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Bill. Kathy moved to accept, seconded by Lucile, motion carried with corrections. Financial Report: Kathy passed out the Converse County Bank statement. There is an additional deposit of $187,552.97 for a total of $2,083,289.97 which will be on the next statement. There was an additional check to pay for ink for Bill. Tim moved to accept the financial report, seconded by Bill, motion carried. Nancie's report: Nancie passed out the "wants” sheets from surveys that the seniors took at the centers. There may be some additional costs from the "wants” list, discussion followed. Nancie stated that the price was locked in for the kitchen equipment and it could cost less to complete. There are additional funds needed for racks for the thrift stores (Tim stated his wife would agree) and snow removal. Nancie will go to the Rec Center Board meeting to see about the digital sign in Glenrock. Old business: Ron will fill out the public investment paperwork. Nancie stated that the bid for the Glenrock parking lot has gone out; the potholes need to be filled at the centers; and improvements to the Douglas Senior Center will happen one project at a time. New business: Kathy talked about the Proposed Budget for the next fiscal year. Ron suggested a building fund and Kathy will talk and look into it. It was suggested to have operating and reserve funds in separate accounts and possibly have a building fund. Tim moved to adjourn, seconded by Lucile, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Bill Canaday, Secretary May Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Glenrock Senior Center June 14, 2021 The regular meeting was called to order by President Tim Ricker at 10:05 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Minutes of the May 10, 2021 meeting were read. Kathy moved to accept, Lucile seconded, motion carried. Bill Canady's resignation letter was read. Ron moved to accept, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy passed out the Financial Report, reflecting 4 warrants issued, plus interest earned. The balance is $1,936,458.90. Lucile moved to accept, Ron seconded, motion carried. Nancie was absent so there was no report from her. This Board requested a 2 mil levy from the County for the FY 22 budget. Funds will be for operations and earmarked accounts. The next meeting will be July 12, 2021 in Douglas. Lucile moved to adjourn, Ron seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Ron Yates, Acting Secretary June Converse County Senior Citizen Service District July 12, 2021 Douglas Senior Center The regular meeting was called to order by President Tim Ricker at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Ron Yates and Lucile Taylor. Guests present were Nancie Fink and George Smith. A Public Hearing was held at 9:00 a.m. at the Douglas Senior Center for the FY 22 proposed budget. There was no public in attendance. Kathy will update the FY 22 budget to reflect it as adopted and will send it to the State of WY and Converse County. Lucile moved to accept the minutes of the June 12, 2021 meeting with corrections, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy provided a financial report: June 30, 2021 account balance, $2,807,580.04 which includes $646.97 in interest. Warrants were approved as submitted. Ron moved to accept the financial report, Lucile seconded, motion carried. Parking lots: nothing to report. Nancie's report: The Douglas dining room construction project will start July 13. The bid advertisement went out for the Douglas kitchen remodel. There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting on July 20th at 2:00 p.m. with bids being accepted until July 28, 2021 at 2:15 p.m. The mill levy tax distribution for June 2021 was $88,815.64. Kathy will place an advertisement in both newspapers to replace Bill Cannady, who resigned from this Board on June 13, 2021. Lucile was appointed to fill the secretary position which was vacated with Bill's resignation. Lucile suggested that this Board meet with the CC Aging Services Board to discuss remodel and other projects that were funded in FY 21 and FY 22. The question is what can realistically be accomplished? Is someone needed to help Nancie oversee these projects? Lucile's concern was the large revenue balance in the account and, even though the funds have been allocated to various projects, it doesn't look good to have so much money on hand. Should the projects be prioritized? The remodel projects are taking a long time to be completed due to still existing Covid problems, receiving materials and scheduling contractors. This Board will try to meet with the CC Aging Services Board at their meeting in Glenrock at 1:00 p.m. on August 19, 2021 to discuss projects. Lucile moved to adjourn at 10:53 a.m., Ron seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary July Converse County Senior Citizen Service District August 10, 2021 Glenrock Senior Center The regular meeting was called to order by Vice President Ron Yates at 10:00 a.m. Present were Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor, absent was Tim Ricker. Guests present were Nancie Fink. Dana Lythgoe joined the meeting a bit later. Nancie stated the CC Aging Services Board meeting was changed to August 26, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at the Douglas Center. Kathy moved to accept the minutes of the July 12, 2021 meeting, Ron seconded, motion carried. Kathy gave the financial report and reviewed various projects and dollars spent. She will modify that spreadsheet to show completed projects as they were deleted on her report. Nancie discussed the projects and her desire to involve her Board more with decisions. Lucile moved to accept the financial reports, Ron seconded, motion carried. Kathy will check on the status of the insurance coverage for the Board. She will also get with Troy for his suggestions to modify the investment policy so this Board can start investing funds.. Lucile will ask County Treasurer Joel Schell for his thoughts on investments. Nancie reiterated her desire to have her board be more involved with decisions on projects. On the kitchen remodel, she believed the Senior Center paid the $75,000 for the architect. We discussed this as it applies to an overall cost of a project. Should we know this so that there is a total project cost when there are payments from two different entities? Nancie offered the following invites to this Board: August 29, 2021, Ayres Natural Bridge Park, staff picnic beginning around 10am. August 31,2021, Ayres Natural Bridge Park, Senior picnic, 11a(ish). Bring a covered dish. Lucile stated there needed to be action on the procedures she presented. She will distribute again via email. Lucile moved to adjourn at 11:10 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried. Ron Yates, Vice-President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary August Converse County Senior Citizen Service District September 13, 2021 Douglas, Wyoming The regular meeting was called to order by President Tim Ricker at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Guest present was Nancie Fink. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2021 meeting, Ron seconded, discussion followed about clarification on the architectural fees and the kitchen remodel costs as there appears to be some confusion. Lucile will address the corrections in the minutes of this meeting rather than redoing the August 10th minutes, motion carried. Corrections to minutes of August 10, 2021: The $75,000 architectural fee is being paid in increments by CCAS as work is completed; therefore, that amount has not been totally expended. The kitchen equipment cost has been paid. That cost was paid by this Board. Kathy presented the financials reflecting a balance of $2,671,378.32 as of August 31, 2021. Ron moved to accept the financial report and the payment of bills as presented. Lucile seconded, motion carried. Old business: Glenrock parking lot, no progress, hopefully, work will start in late fall to be completed this calendar year; Douglas kitchen remodel, work is in progress. The Investment Policy was discussed and the Board decided to adopt and then submit amendments if needed. Lucile moved to adopt the Investment Policy, Ron seconded, motion carried. After some discussion, Lucile moved to rescind the motion made by Bill Canady on December 13, 2020 to invest $50,000 with Ally Bank Utah, Kathy seconded, motion carried. (A copy of those minutes is attached for reference.) The credit card is now available for use by this Board. New Board member: no applications at this time. The application for consideration to be appointed to this Board was distributed by Kathy. Nancie will try to get on the agenda to meet with the Glenrock Town Council about the sign for the Glenrock Center. Ideally, CCAS would like to have it on the Rec Center property for visibility, but there has been some push back from them. The FY 22 Budget and projects were reviewed and discussed. Nancie will provide a copy to her Board at their next meeting. Nancie stated that she and Cheryl Schwartzkopf, CC Weed & Pest, had met and looked at the weed and landscaping concerns at both centers. The Glenrock parking lot remodel may cause issues with the landscaping on the hillside. Kathy stated she was not getting return calls in reference to the proposal for the Board's liability insurance coverage. Ron and Lucile will get her a couple of more names. Ron moved to approve the Policies and Procedures that Lucile put forth for consideration, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Lucile will put them in a notebook and will print a set for each member, as well as Nancie. Because the Investment Policy was adopted, this Board can now invest funds in various approved programs according to Wyoming State law. The Board agreed to initially invest in WYO-STAR which is administered by the Wyoming State Treasurer. Once we have our account number, this Board, at their next meeting, will decide on a dollar amount to invest. Kathy will send in the application and let us know if it is accepted or if more information is needed. Ron moved to adjourn at 11:32 a.m., Lucile seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary September Converse County Senior Citizen Service District October 18, 2021 Glenrock, Wyoming The regular meeting was called to order by President Tim Ricker at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Guest present was Dana Lythgoe. Kathy moved to accept the minutes of the September 13, 2021; Ron seconded, motion carried. Kathy presented the financials. The September 30, 2021 balance is $2,591,682.68 which included $647.14 in interest earned and $9,867.22 in tax distribution funds from the County Treasurer. Bills were presented and approved. Tim encouraged Board members to actively seek a new member. Lucile shared the names for a couple of possibilities. Dana, CCAS (representing Nancie), said the next major project is the Glenrock kitchen remodel.. Lucile shared that she would be going through information on the Records Retention schedule from the State Archives for this special district and will share that information so that our records are retained as required. Kathy moved to have Lucile become the Public Information person for our district; Ron seconded, motion carried. Note: Kathy is currently that person. She will notify the State of the change. The WYO-STAR project is still moving forward. Hopefully, by the next meeting, the required form will have been accepted by the WY State Treasurer's Office and we can begin investing. Lucile moved to adjourn at 11:00 a.m.; Ron seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary October Converse County Senior Citizen Service District November 8, 2021 Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Lucile Taylor and guest Nancie Fink. Ron Yates was excused. Kathy moved to accept the minutes of October 11, 2021, Tim seconded, motion carried. Mr. Troy Hunsucker, Peaks Investment Management, discussed options for investing funds. His company specializes in working with local governments. He discussed Wyoming Class offerings and its flexibility. Funds cannot be invested for more than 270 days. He also discussed Long Term Investments and said there is an option to split maturity dates. LTI funds can be withdrawn early without penalty. Mr. Hunsucker will send Kathy the application. He will also review our Investment Policy. Lucile will check with Joel, CC Treasurer, to find the current best investment options. Note, investments are discussed in WSS 9-4-831. Kathy presented the financial report. The current balance is $2,609,720.59 which includes $668.23 in interest and $107,519.37 from the County Treasurer. Bills were approved as presented. Lucile moved to accept the financial report, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy said that our auditor, Julie Melder, is available if we would like her to attend one of our meetings Prospective board member: Leonard Hollar was suggested . Nancie's update. The Douglas dining room may open in mid-December. There may be a grand opening sometime in the first part of January. She updated us on the status of other projects that we are funding. The next major project may be the remodeling of the Glenrock dining room. Tim will be attending the WY Assn of Special Districts' meeting in Casper. Lucile will work on the Retention Schedule for Special Districts. Kathy will check with Joanne about the website that was purchased so we can pursue a website for this special district. Lucile moved to adjourn at 11:55 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary November Converse County Senior Citizen Service District December 13, 2021 Glenrock, Wyoming The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Guest present was Dana Lythgoe. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2021 meeting. Ron seconded, motion carried. Kathy provided the financial report. Claims were approved for payment as submitted. The bank balance at the end of November was $2,883,641.64 which included tax revenue of $427,468.08; interest of $700.42; and disbursements of $154,247.45. Lucile moved to approve the contract and payment of $330 to Brennin Clark, dba 4-Optimization for the website development and Joanne Demarais for $359.76 as payment for the GoDaddy website project, Ron seconded, motion carried. Ron moved to accept the financial report, Lucile seconded, motion carried. New member options: Cherie Reese and Kim Hiser. Kathy has made contact with Mr. Troy Hunsucker, Peaks Investment Management, for required documents. The Board is also looking at investing funds in WYOSTAR. Lucile moved to invest $50,000 with Peaks Investment pending their signing the contract and $50,000 in WYOSTAR pending an account number and any other required details, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to nominate the current officers to serve terms ending in November 2022, Ron seconded, motion carried. The officers will be Tim Ricker, President; Ron Yates, Vice-President; Kathy Patceg, Treasurer; and Lucile Taylor, secretary. Kathy moved to approve the 2022 meeting dates as submitted, Ron seconded, motion carried. Copies will be provided to the Douglas Budget and will be posted at the Courthouse. Dana Lythgoe, CC Aging Services, updated the opening for the Douglas dining room, which may be around mid-January, 2022. She also updated other projects. Questions arose if invoices are required to reimburse CCAS when they paid for items that the District had built into its budget. Lucile will check with an auditor. Lucile moved to adjourn at 10:54 a.m., Ron seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary December
- Minutes 2023 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > General Business > Minutes 2023 Converse County Senior Citizen Service District January 10, 2023 Douglas, Wyoming Converse County Senior Citizen Special Service District's Minutes 2023 President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig and Don Luhrsen. The member excused was Lucile Taylor. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of December 12, 2022, Rita seconded, the motion carried. Rita moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $1,740,190.00, interest $5,190.04; debits $206,617.80; account balance: $4,687,525.44. Approved for payment: #1240 Brennin Clark $35.00; #1242 January Allocation $95,000.00; #1243 CCAS $14,075.29 projects; # 1244 Lucile Taylor Office Supplies $227.62; #1245 Skogen & Assoc $198.75 bookkeeping services; #1246 Douglas Budget, PH Notice, $144.00. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $501,620.55 CCB CD-101 - $503,208.89 CCB CD-102 - $1,009,068.38 CCB CD - 257 - $1,000,000.00 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $558,758.54 WYOSTAR - $555,732.98 Due to the Wyoming State Legislative Session beginning, the discussion and revision of Chapter 15 were reviewed. After much discussion, some changes were suggested to help define the ability to use mill levy funds. William Tibbs, the former House Representative Legislator, along with our current legislators, will be asked to help with the process. Kathy made a motion to add Don Luhrsen to the Converse County Bank checking account, Rita seconded, motion carried. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:45 a.m., Don seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Janaury Converse County Senior Citizen Service District February 13, 2023 Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Kathy Patceg was excused. Guests present were Casper Smith, President, CCAS Board, Nancie Fink, CCAS, and Ron Yates. Rita moved to approve the minutes of January 9, 2023, Don seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the financial report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $2,197,907.02, interest $8,489.48; debits $109,893.44; account balance: $109,893.44. Approved for payment: #1247 Brennin Clark, Website; #1248 CCAS $95,000 Jan Allocation; #1249 CCAS $11,675.42 projects; #1250 Skogen Cometto, $45.00 bookkeeping. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $501,620.55 CCB CD-101 - $503,209.89 CCB CD-102 - $1,004,284.93 CCB CD - 257 - $1,000,000.00 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $560,646.67 WYOSTAR - $557,190.28 Don discussed HB0144 and the many discussions that have taken place, plus the legislators he and Bill Tibbs met with. Nancie stated some of the directors of the senior centers around the state were concerned that the funds would go to the senior housing units and their needs would be overlooked or not funded. The Board asked her to submit concerns to us and we would help respond so that those concerns would be addressed. Nancie stated that all projects are basically completed. She will distribute a “want" list to the seniors seeking their input for considerations for the next budget. Tim asked about possible friction between the senior housing and the senior centers. Nancie said there is some history and she is working on making it better. Rita suggested this special district could pay for free meals once a month at both centers for people in the apartments and the seniors (those over 60). The Board felt that was a good idea and very doable. Lucile distributed a letter from the Department of Revenue that says our Special District is in compliance with state law. Rita moved to approve the request from CCAS addressing the $11,095 for windows and the approximate $13,500 for the door at the Douglas Center that were not in this FY's budget, but were in last year's budget. Don seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the Resolution stating Converse County Bank is our official depository for CY 2023, Rita seconded, motion carried. Don moved to accept the Converse County Senior Citizens Service District Procurement Policy and Procedures, Rita seconded, motion carried. Don moved to accept the Converse County Senior Citizens Service District Procedures for Processing Payments (Vouchers), Rita seconded, motion carried. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:45 a.m., Don seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District March 13, 2023 Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present: Tim Ricker, Rita Redig, Don Luhrsen, Kathy Patceg (via conference call) and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Representative Tomi Strock, HD 6; Nancie Fink, CCAS; Bob McCormick and Artie Schubert, Glenrock Housing Authority, Ed Rafferty, Bill Tibbs and Brennin Clark (our website person). Don moved to approve the minutes of February 13, 2023, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy discussed the February financial report. All items were normal transactions. Lucile said the Commissioners want special districts to meet with them at 2:00 p.m. on April 5, 2023 at their chambers to discuss funding for FY 24. All of our board plans to attend. Lucile moved to approve the financial report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $644,909.47, interest $8,807.69; debits $106,720.42; account balance: $7,331,025.24. Approved for payment: #1251 Brennin Clark, Website, $35.00; #1252 Lucile Taylor, Cake Reim $18.99; #1253 CC Clerk, Election $332.18; #1254, Void; 1255 Bill Tibbs, mileage Legislature; #1256 CCAS March allocation $95,000; #1257 Skogen Cometto, $171.50 bookkeeping. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $504,121.78 CCB CD-101 - $503,208.89 CCB CD-102 - $1,009,068.38 CCB CD - 257 - $1,004,84.93 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $562,831.02 WYOSTAR - $560,318.64 Tim invited Brennin to ask questions of the board, but Brennin stated he was present to observe. Don stated the Governor had signed HB0144 and provided additional information where spending portions of that bill were clarified. Representative Strock also addressed the bill and the various issues as it proceeded through the process. Tim thanked Representative Strock, Bill Tibbs, Don and Lucile for their work on the bill. Ann Clement, Director of Programs, Alzheimer's Association (Wyoming Chapter), discussed a variety of caregiver programs they offer, as well as the support for those programs. They also offer educational services for providers. She talked about a dementia specialist (job title: Dementia Coordinator Specialist) and areas where that employee could provide services in our community. There are several options as to what tasks this employee could perform. Ann stated that we will need to work on getting the word out if we are able to offer dementia related services to residents so they know what is available. She will get with Nancie as the services would be offered through CC Aging Services, with the Special District providing some level of funding. Rita discussed the free meal option that was approved by this Board for each center. Nancie said the free meal for AGNES qualified individuals will be the first Wednesday of the month in Douglas and the first Friday of the month in Glenrock starting in April. Nancie also discussed the possibility of coffee shops at both centers. Bob McCormick and Artie Schubert stated their appreciation for the funding that will be available after July 1, 2023 for the Barber Apartments (Glenrock Housing Authority). Note: the funding will also be available for Irwin Towers and Riverside I and II (Payne Plaza) in Douglas. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District April 10, 2023 Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. Present: Tim Ricker, Rita Redig, Don Luhrsen, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS; Casper Smith, Chairman, CCAS Board. Don moved to approve the minutes of March 13, 2023, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy discussed the March financial report. Lucile moved to approve the financial report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $640,432.50, interest $10,532.33; debits $95,865.89; account balance: $7,886,124.18. Approved for payment: #1258 Bill Tibbs $102.89; #1259 Brennin Clark, Website, $35.00; #1260 CCAS Projects $15,661.16; #1261 CCAS April Allocation $95,000.00; #1257 Skogen Cometto, $126.00 bookkeeping. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $504,121.78 CCB CD-101 - $504,263.56 CCB CD-102 - $1,012,054.12 CCB CD - 257 - $1,004,284.93 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $565,079.72 WYOSTAR - $560,318.64 The agreement proposed by Converse County Bank to do a one-time increase in the interest rate was ratified. Note: at the end of each CD's term, the interest rate will revert. Don seconded, motion carried. Kathy discussed the CCAS invoice that was incorrect and requested copies of the actual invoices from the vendors as per our voucher policy. In response to a question from Tim, Kathy stated our auditors said we need invoices for reimbursements. Don discussed the information about the "true up" with the oil and gas industry that will happen this fall. Joel Schell, County Treasurer, stated the senior district may have to pay back about $1.8 million. At the same meeting, the Commissioners stated it may be a good idea to keep the same mill levy as an adjustment in that, particularly lowering, will cause a bigger payback. The money has to be paid back by December 21st of each year. Don also brought up the opportunity to have the County Treasurer withhold our mill levy revenue until it's paid back. Lucile thought it was better to receive the funds for revenue tracking purposes and then write a check back to the County. Dementia services were discussed. Nancie believes an employee should be hired at some point that can do outreach. Nancie will provide an updated MOU that is between CCAS and this Board. Lucile said it should have an expiration date that ties in with the General Election and could be for two years due to terms ending on this Board. She also felt the financial report from CCAS could be done quarterly as opposed to monthly. Nancie provided a list of projects to consider for FY 24. She also talked about activities that will happen at the senior centers; i.e. 1st Saturday in August, chili completion; Wednesday of WSF week, Indian tacos. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District May 8, 2023 Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present: Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Rita Redig was excused. Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS; Casper Smith, Chairman, CCAS Board. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of April 10, 2023 with the following correction: chili "competition", Don seconded, motion carried. Kathy stated the bookkeeper did not have the April bookkeeping report finalized. She will share that later. She is also waiting for an invoice/ statement from Brennin about the lost warrants. Don moved to approve the financial report as submitted: CCB account, income; tax revenue $581,628.95, interest $10,808.97; debits $110,925.05; account balance: $8,367,637.05. Approved for payment: #1263 CCAS projects $15,661.16; #1264 CCAS projects and meals $16,718.86; # 1265 CCAS Allocation May $95,000.00; #1266 Skogen Cometto, $152.50 bookkeeping. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $504,121.78 CCB CD-101 - $504,263.5 6 CCB CD-102 - $1,012,054.12 CCB CD - 257 - $1,009,716.32 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $567,347.19 WYOSTAR - $562,061.34 Don moved to authorize Kathy to purchase a 6 month CD in the amount of $1,800,000.00 (the estimate provided by Joel Schell, County Treasurer) that will mature in November 2023 and which will be used for the tax payback in December 2023. Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy moved to accept the MOU between Converse County Aging Services and this Board, Don seconded, motion carried. Changes were: November expiration date in even numbered year to coincide with the Board elections and providing financial reports quarterly as opposed to monthly. Nancie stated the projects are basically completed. The cost of the monthly meals was discussed as it pertains to funding. Nancie and Dayna estimated that $900 per month for both centers should cover the cost. CCAS may pay the cost out of their allocation. A decision will be forth coming re: FY 24 budget and how the cost will be handled. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District June 12, 2023 Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present: Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS; Casper Smith, Chairman, CCAS Board and Jeri Philbrick. Don moved to approve the minutes of May 8, 2023, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy reviewed the financials. She will visit with CCB about the stop payment fee. Lucile moved to approve the financial report as submitted: CCB account, income; tax revenue $694,842.37, interest $10,262.89; debits $1,912,006.36 (this number includes the $1.8 million that was invested in a CD for the true up payment in Dec); account balance: $7,160,735.95. Approved for payment: #1268 Brennin Clark Website $35.00; #1269 Atlas Office Stamps $265.05; #1270 CCAS meals $846.00; #1271 CCA S Allocation June $95,000.00; #1272 Skogen Cometto, $127.50 bookkeeping. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $504,121.78 CCB CD-101 - $504,263.58 CCB CD-102 - $1,012,054.12 CCB CD - 257 - $1,012,054.12 CCB CD - 466 - $1,800,000.00 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $569,760.01 WYOSTAR - $563,807.99 Kathy stated the auditors requested an increase to $22,000 for FY 24. The budget will reflect that change. The bookkeeping services have not provided a cost for FY 24. Don seconded, motion carried. Tim asked Lucile to discuss the true-up with the oil & gas industry and how the payback is determined. Lucile stated, the payback, per law, covers our mill levy of 2 in FY 21, the revenue distribution that the oil and gas industries paid to us was around $7.3 million in FY 23 and it was an estimate. Keeping the mill levy at 1.57 (from FY 23) would have caused a payback of around $1.8 million. However, keeping the 1.57 mill generated too much revenue; therefore, this board reduced the mill levy to % of a mill for FY 24. That will cause the estimated payback in December 2023 to be around $4.5 million. The payback is the percentage difference between 2 mills and Va mill, which is .625 percent. The law only covers the oil and gas industry, not individuals, corporations, etc. Nancie stated there were no current projects. She reviewed the status of the CCAS budget request for employee insurance which was not funded for FY 24. A lengthy discussion followed about whether to fund, how to fund and any conditions such as the employee's share of the premium, deductible, etc. The board will discuss this budget item at a later meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District June 23, 2023 Special Meeting Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the special meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Don Luhrsen and Lucile Taylor. Rita Redig was excused. The purpose of the meeting was to reconsider the funding request of Converse County Aging Services for employee health insurance coverage and any other items that would change our FY 24 budget. Lucile stated that CCAS and the senior housing units had all been given our Procurement Policies and Procedures. In that document, the parameters for bidding are addressed. Those policies need to be followed as this Board needs to have accountability for the tax dollars used to fund the entities. Also discussed was the lack of responses to requested information so this Board could address the true cost of insurance. After much discussion, the final outcome for the employee insurance funding was that CCAS will be allowed to use FY 24 funds within their monthly allocation of $125,000 to offer employee health insurance with no restrictions. If that is not possible, CCAS can present a funding request for the next FY that adheres to our Procurement Policies and Procedures. At that time, this Board may also require an employee contribution towards the premium and specific deductibles. This Board will ask for quarterly accountability reports addressing how the $125,000 monthly allocation was spent. There were no additional requests or changes submitted by the senior housing units. The deletion of the shop ($140,000) occurred prior to establishing the proposed budget. There being no further business to come before the Board, the special meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District July 10, 2023 Special Meeting Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 9:55 a.m. Present: Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg, and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Casper Smith, Chairman, and Peg Wasson, CCAS; Kelly Sishc and Jeri Philbrick. Don moved to approve the minutes of June 12, 2023, and the Special meeting of June 23, 2023, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy stated the bookkeeper did not have the June bookkeeping report finalized. She will share that later. Lucile moved to approve the financial report as submitted: CCB account, income; tax revenue $579,169.55, interest $9,899.81; debits $96,238.55; account balance: $7,653,566.76. Approved for payment: #1273 CCAS $125,000.00 July allocation; #1274 CCAS $6,387.50 projects; #1275 ABC Seamless Gutter (RP 1 & 2) $130,000.00 siding; #1276 Douglas Housing Authority $23,276.27 locks; #1277 Lucile Taylor $78.00 PO Box rent; #1278 Kathy Patceg, $49.00 printer cartridge. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $504,121.78 CCB CD-101 - $508,514.57 CCB CD-102 - $1,019,357.55 CCB CD - 257 - $1,009,716.32 CCB CD - 466 - $1,800,000.00 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $572,135.27 WYOSTAR - $566,720.28 Don moved to approve the FY 24 Budget as stated at the Public Hearing, Kathy seconded, the motion After discussion and with minor changes, Rita moved to approve the revised Mission and Vision Statement, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Changes were needed when the law changed to add senior housing units. Lucile will distribute it at the next meeting. Don moved to approve the contract with Skogen, Cometto, and Associates for bookkeeping services at a cost of approximately $5,300 for FY 24, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the contract with Porter, Muirhead, Cornea, and Howard for accounting services at a cost of $22,000 for FY 23, Rita seconded, motion carried. Casper Smith, Board Chairman, CCAS, stated the preliminary work has started on the two building projects (expansions) for the Douglas Senior Center. He stated the food warmer was on its way to the Douglas Senior Center kitchen. Kelly Sishe felt a meeting should be held between CCAS, Riverside Plaza, and this Board to get more info on the Douglas Senior Foundation. Jeri Philbrick provided some history on that foundation. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District August 14, 2023 Special Meeting Glenrock, Wyoming Vice-President Don Luhrsen called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present: Don Luhrsen, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig, and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS; Casper Smith, Chairman, and Peg Wasson, CCAS Board; Bob McCormick, Barber Apartments. President Tim Ricker was excused. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of July 10, 2023, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy reviewed the financials. No financials were available from our accountant, but Kathy will provide that soon. Kathy noted the $0.10 discrepancy (shorted) in the payment to Douglas Housing Authority. The DHA can bill us later for that discrepancy or pay themselves. Lucile moved to approve the financial report as submitted: CCB account, income; tax revenue $371,440.23, interest $10,501.09; $30.00 reversal of stop payment fees; debits $472,253.27; account balance: $7,563,284.81. Approved for payment: #1286 CCAS Aug Allocation, $125,000; #1285 CCAS projects, $18,169.34; # 1280 Prairie Pell Window, GHA, $130,072.50; #1282 Cost Plus, GHA, $9958; 1287 Wyatt Electric, GHA, $2400; #1279, Rapid Fire, RS 1, $8,645; # 1283 Rapid Fire, RS 1, $69,160; #1284 Don's Mobile Carpet, RS 1, $25,551.07; #1279, Rapid Fire, RS 2, $28,645; #1281 Kathy Patceg, Stamps, $66; #1288 Skogen Cometto, Bookkeeping $150; #1289 Douglas Budget, Legal $171; #1290 PMCH, Audit progress, $5000. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $504,121.78 CCB CD-101 - $508,514.57 CCB CD-102 - $1,019,357.55 CCB CD - 257 - $1,018,653.00 CCB CD - 466 - $1,800,000.00 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $574,639.65 WYOSTAR - $567,535.90 Kathy discussed the required training for board members. Lucile said that Karen Rimmer, County Clerk, had just emailed an option that would only require 4 hours. More discussion will follow later and we will pursue options. Nancie stated the Chili Cook Off was a huge success. Rita provided data regarding the purchase of market sale animals as compared to the cost of store bought meat. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:12 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District September 13, 2023 Special Meeting Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig, and Lucile Taylor. Others present: Casper Smith, Peg Wasson, and George Smith, CCAS Board; Nancie Fink, CCAS Director; guests: Kelly Sishc, Jeri Philbrick, Cheryl Schwartzkopf, and Barb Morris. Don moved to approve the minutes of August 14, 2023, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy reviewed the financials. Don moved to approve the financial report as submitted: CCB account, income; tax revenue $312,141.53, interest $10,443.01; debits $255,625.41; account balance: $7,630,243.94. Approved for payment: #1291 Kathy Patceg, paper $23.60; #1292 CCAS September allocation $125,000.00; #1293 Kone, elevator, GHS $7,190.00; #1294 TK Elevator, (50% down), DHA, $118,802.59; Investments: CCB CD 100 - $504,121.78 CCB CD-101 - $508,5 14.57 CCB CD-102 - $1,019,357.55 CCB CD - 257 - $1,018,653.00 CCB CD - 466 - $1,818,374.79 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $577,240.99 WYOSTAR - $569,533.21 Lucile seconded, motion carried. After some discussion about the amount of financial paperwork that is copied for each of us for every meeting, the Board decided that each of us can print a scan that Kathy will send via email. She will bring an original to the meeting for signatures and action. Tim asked Lucile to discuss the true-up (payback) of the excess revenue generated from the oil and gas tax revenue. The total payback due November 30, 2023, is $4,578,708.39. The district budgeted $4,562,500, so overall the estimate was short $16,208.39. This board decided to write a check in November for the full amount and then have the County credit us back the property tax revenue that was withheld from our revenue starting with the deposit from July 2023 (deposited to our account by the County Treasurer in August). Nancie stated the projects are at a standstill right now. A new architect was hired to help with the building additions in Douglas. The architect is working with the City of Douglas on zoning and ownership of the land. Tim inquired about meeting with the senior housing units. He was informed that was going to happen at the October meeting so it would reflect on a quarterly basis. Lucile asked about Life Alerts and Nancie explained that they do assist seniors with signing up for alerts - not necessarily through the center, but from various providers that are less expensive. Financial assistance is available should someone need it. In response to a question from the audience about the requirement of an audit being provided to us by the agencies we fund, Kathy responded that non-profit corporations are not required to have audits; however, this Board wants the audits. Those audits are then provided to our auditors so they have data comparisons for the funding we provide. Nancie stated the Senior Centers are to have audits every three years. She also stated that their auditors have the necessary paperwork but haven't submitted the audits to CCAS. She does have a draft from FY 21 (Oct 1-Sep 30, 2021). This Board was asked if funding can be withheld if documents are not provided. Lucile said yes, that can happen. Rita moved to adjourn at 2:05 p.m., Don seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District October 9, 2023 Special Meeting Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m. Present: Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS; Casper Smith CCAS Board; Cheryl Schwartzkopf, new CCAS Board member; Laura Boynton, Riverside Plaza; Della Snelling and Bob McCormick, Barber Apartments, as well as several other citizens. Don moved to approve the minutes of September 13, 2023, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy discussed the financials. Joel had not sent out the revenue distribution, so that will be available later. Don moved to approve the financial report as submitted: CCB account, income; tax revenue (none due to true-up), interest $9,959.27; debits $132,213.60; account balance: $7,507,989.61. Approved for payment: 1296 CCAS Projects $13,727.64; 1297 CCAS Oct Allocation $125,000.00; 1298 CNM Plumbing, GHA, Heating & Shower Units $6,000.00; 1295 Douglas Housing Authority, Sentinel Lock & Door $6,722.00; 1299 PMCH, Audit $5,000.00; 1300 Skogen Cometto, Bookkeeper $592.50; Investments: CCB CD 100 - $512,809.25 CCB CD-101 - $513,064.73 CCB CD-102 - $1,027,065.57 CCB CD - 257 - $1,018,653.00 CCB CD - 466 - $1,818,374.79 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $579,789.47 WYOSTAR - $571,520.67 Rita seconded, motion carried. The senior housing units discussed their projects and fiscal years. Riverside Plaza's projects are just getting started. Riverside Plaza 1's fiscal year is April through March; Riverside Plaza II is January through December. Glenrock Housing Authority provided a list of projects completed or currently in the works. Their fiscal year is July through June. There was no report from Douglas Housing Authority. Lucile reminded them that if they get in a financial bind on projects to submit a written request as this board has fund set aside. Or, they can also use funds from one project that cost less than anticipated to fund a different project. Bob McCormick discussed GHA's concern with not being able to pay salaries. Lucile stated that employee salaries and benefits are not allowed according to the law - it's just for projects. She also reminded them that there will be an election in Nov 2024. Lucile stated that this Board had decided to pay our true-up funds to the County in November, $4,578,708.39. Kathy has the invoice from Joel Schell, County Treasurer. Kathy stated the audit is still a work in progress as she provides information to them. Don discussed the required training and stated he had signed up for the October 24th training in Douglas. Cheryl Schwartzkopf invited everyone to the training at the Douglas Senior Center on October 24th Nancie stated the land swap with the City of Douglas has been approved. There are no other projects currently in the works. Tim asked for comments from the public. Don moved to adjourn at 10:55 a.m., Rita seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District November 13, 2023 Special Meeting Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of October 9, 2023, Don seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $344,914.24; interest $10,302.29; debits: $275,844.73; account balance: $7,587,361,41. Approved for payment: #1301: CC Treasurer, Tax True-up, $4,136,566.59; # 1302 Kathy Patceg, office supplies $38.70; #1303 PMCH Audit $17,000.00; #1308 CNA Surety, bonding, $100.00; #1312 Skogen Cometto, bookkeeping services $100.00; #1305 CCAS, Douglas Fryer, $15,000.00; # 1306 CCAS Nov allocation, $125,000.00; # 1310 GHA Prairie Pella $130,072.49; #1311 GHA Doorway of Wyoming $3,294.00; #1307 DHA Sentinel Lock $1,174.50; #1303 Riverside Plaza I, Rapid Fire $41,081.00; #1304 Riverside I and II, Rapid Fire, $58,294.00. Investments: CCB CD 100 - $512,80 9.25 CCB CD-101 - $513,064.73 CCB CD-102 - $1,027,065.57 CCB CD - 257 - $1,027,767.85 CCB CD - 466 - $1,818,374.79 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $582,439.61 WYOSTAR - $573,552.29 Kathy stated she has not received a clear answer about bonding and what is covered. Douglas Housing Authority was approved for additional key work at their housing unit. Debbie Bradley, bookkeeper for Skogen Commetto, will be allowed to have a view only access to our accounts at Converse County Bank. Lucile seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the following as additional depositories for the funds of the Converse County Senior Citizens Service District for FY 23: Wyoming Class and WYO-STAR in addition to Converse County Bank (approved Feb 13, 2023), Rita seconded, motion carried. Cheryl Schwartzkopf, CCAS Board member, discussed the new committee that will address the election of board members. She also stated they are looking to increase the board from 5 to 7 members. Lucile will try to finalize the MOUS and have the County Attorney review. She will also look at reviewing the vendor payment policy to state the payments from this Board for the vendors will be sent back to CCAS or the senior housing units who, in turn, will mail them to the vendors. This will allow everyone to track payments. Don moved to adjourn at 11:05 a.m., Rita seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District December 11, 2023 Special Meeting Glenrock, Wyoming Vice-President Don Luhrsen called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Don Luhrsen, Rita Redig, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Tim Ricker was excused. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of November 13, 2023, Rita seconded, motion carried. Rita moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income: tax revenue; $440,072.58; interest $7,246.30; debits: $4,522,721.28; account balance: $3,511,959.01. Approved for payment: #1314: CCAS Dec Allocation $125,000; GHA: #1315 Prairie Pella $7738.16; 1316 CNM Plumbing $2021.25; # 1317 Glenrock Housing Authority $94.08; #1318 CNM Plumbing $5569.87; #1319 Integrity Electric $400.00; #1322 CNM Plumbing $918.00; Riverside Plaza #1320 Don's Mobile Carpet $4242.16; #1323 Skogen Cometto, Bookkeeping $180.00; (voided #1303 PMCH Audit $17,000: reissued #1313 PMCH audit $12,000); Investments: CCB CD 100 - $512,809.25 CCB CD-101 - $513,064.73 CCB CD-102 - $1,027,065.57 CCB CD - 257 - $1,027,767.85 CCB CD - 466 - $1,836,937.16 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $585,028.76 WYOSTAR - $575,578.63 Lucile asked if this board had discussed the investments in October. Everyone thought it had been discussed and there were no suggested changes because of the True-up payment of $4.5 million plus in November. Bob McCormick, Glenrock Housing Authority, discussed their request for computers, etc. After much discussion, it was decided that Lucile will check with the County Attorney and Don and HD6 Rep Tomi Strock will visit with the commissioners. Don said that Michelle Huntington and Cindy Porter are the new appointees to the CCAS Board. Kelly Sishc asked this board to consider writing articles to the newspapers to keep the public better informed. Lucile moved to adjourn at 10:45 a.m., Rita seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary
- Home | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Our Mission The mission of the Converse County Senior Citizens Special District is to assist and support the Converse County Aging Services in improving the lives of older adults through caring services with opportunities for social interaction, recreation, basic support and needs services, education, volunteerism and community activism. Our mission for the senior housing units is to ensure that the housing facilities are kept up-to-date for safety concerns and remain as affordable, low income housing in Converse County. Home: Welcome Our Vision Our vision is to assist the Converse County Aging Service in enabling older adults to engage, enrich and empower their lives. Our vision for the senior housing units is that they remain an attractive, safe, and viable source of affordable housing. Home: Our Vision History A request to form this special district and put the question on the ballot was formally adopted by the Board of Converse County Commissioners on April 17, 2018. The formation question was submitted to the voters at the Primary Election in August 2018. The formation of the district was approved by the voters at the Primary Election. At the General Election, qualified residents submitted a nomination for election and those names appeared on the November General Election ballot. At that election, five trustees were elected. At their first Board meeting, the newly elected trustees drew for lots on their terms of office with 3 (three) trustees serving 2 (two) year terms and the other 2 (two) trustees serving 4 (four) year terms. 2018 Election Results on Formation Ballots cast: 3723 Ballots Yes: 1779 Ballots, No: 1609 Under votes: 334 (voters did not mark an oval) Over votes: 2 (voters marked both ovals) Wyoming State law requires a re-submission of the question for continuing the district two years after the initial question. Therefore, at the General Election on November 3, 2020, the question was put on the ballot. 2020 Election Results on Continuing the district Ballots cast: 7010 Yes : 4516 No : 1742 Under votes: 748 (voters did not mark an oval) Over votes: 4 (voters marked both ovals) Home: History Bylaws Read More About Bylaws Home: Bylaws Minutes Read More About Minutes Home: Minutes Financials Read More About Financials Home: Financials Tim Ricker, President Don Luhrsen, Vice President Lucile Taylor, Secretary Kathy Patceg, Treasurer Rita Redig, Member Learn More About Board Members Home: Team Members Vist Site Map Vist Accessibility Statement Home: Site Map Home: Contact Us Home: Subscribe Form
- Board Policy 1020 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > Policies and Procedures > Board Policy 1020 - Oath and Terms, Board of Trustees Policy 1020 Oath and Terms, Board of Trustees Membership of the Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees is made up of five members, elected at large. The Board of Trustees shall abide by the election laws of the State of Wyoming. The election shall be held at the regular polling places on the Tuesday next following the first Monday in November in general election years. Terms of office shall run for four (4) years beginning at the first Board meeting in November following the election. Not more than a simple majority of members of the board of trustees shall be elected at any election unless the election is to fill an unexpired term. Oath of Office 22-29-118. Directors; oath of office. All directors, whether elected or appointed, shall, within ten (10) business days after notification of election or appointment, take the oath of office provided in Wyoming constitution, article VI, section 20, before an officer authorized to administer oaths. The director shall also complete the written oath and without delay transmit a copy of the oath in writing to the respective county clerks for the first election and to the secretary of the district thereafter. Terms Officers are not elected for the ensuring year until the newly elected trustees have taken their oath. Because the election of officers must occur no later than December 1, the new terms begin at the first meeting in November. 18-15-109. Selection of officers of board of trustees; quorum; trustees not to be interested in contracts, work done or property purchased by district. (a) Annually, not later than December 1, the board of trustees shall choose from their number a president, a treasurer and a secretary of the district. Vacancies 18-15-107. Vacancies on district board of trustees. If a vacancy occurs on any district board of trustees, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment made by the board of trustees. The appointee shall hold the office until his successor is elected and qualified. Note: The successor serves until the next General Election, which is not necessarily the term of the trustee who resigned. Interested parties file according to state law to have their names on the General Election ballot. Board Policy 1020 - Oath and Terms, Board of Trustees
- Article III - Officers | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > ByLaws > Article lll - Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Officers ARTICLE Ill - CONVERSE COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICE DISTRICT OFFICERS 1. The officers of the Board shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom shall be elected by the Board. Vacancies in officer positions may be filled by appointment. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person. 2. This Board shall follow Roberts Rules of Order. 3. President: a. Shall preside at all meetings b. Call the meeting to order on time c. Determine the presence of a quorum d. Announce the business before the assembly in the order prescribed in the agenda e. Recognize members who are entitled to the floor f. Process all motions g. Expedite all business h. Rule on any points of order i. Conduct meetings in a fair and equitable manner j. Serve as the representative of the District k. Sign documents on behalf of the District I. Serve as an ex-officio member on committees as specified in the Bylaws m. Work with the secretary to prepare the agenda for the meetings n. Vote on any motion before the Board 4. Vice-President a. Preside when the President is absent or must vacate the chair and fills a vacancy in the office of President; assists the President 5. Secretary - Official record keeper of the organization a. Works with the President to prepare the agenda b. Distributes to members before the meeting any packets of material needed at the meeting c. Sends notice of all meetings d. Keep current membership list, current committees and members, and official attendance lists e. Take minutes at all meetings and distributes the minutes to the Board and other interested parties f. Makes notes of amendments to governing documents and distributes new copies to the Board and appropriate parties g. Notifies officers, delegates and committee members of their election or appointment h. Administers the Oath of Office to new Trustees 6. Treasurer - Custodian of the funds of the special district a. Shall be bonded by a reputable bonding company b. Receives all incoming money and disperses that money according to instructions from the District Board c. Makes sure the financial records are audited d. Completes appropriate forms on behalf of the District e. Keeps accurate records and reports at each meeting to the Board of Trustees and shall include the following: i. Balance on hand at the beginning of the reporting period ii. Receipts iii. Disbursements iv. Balance on hand at the end of the reporting period f. Provides an annual report which includes balance at the beginning of the report year, all receipts, all disbursements and balance at the end of the reporting year Article III - Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Officers: About Us
- Board Policy 1010 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > Policies and Procedures > Board Policy 1010 - Distriot Reference Board Policy 1010 Responsibility for Operating the District Reference: WY Stat § 18-15-101 through 18-15-111. The Wyoming Statutes place responsibility for operating and managing the District to an elected Board of Trustees of five members which shall be in accordance with Wyoming State Laws. The Board of Trustees shall exercise general supervision of the District. No individual member of the Board and no group comprised of less than the full membership of the Board shall be designated as a permanent committee to perform any of the Board's functions except those for which State law requires signatories. The President of the Board may appoint temporary committees comprised of less than the full membership for special purposes. Each committee shall be discharged upon the completion of its assignment. Members of the Board shall refuse to solve complaints individually or to deal independently with those who may have complaints. Members may not commit the Board as a whole to any course of action. Board Policy 1010 - District Reference
- Sitemap | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > Sitemap Sitemap: Info Home General Business Minutes 2018 Minutes 2019 Minutes 2020 Minutes 2021 Minutes 2022 Minutes 2023 Minutes 2023 Projects-Douglas Projects-Glenrock Financials Page of Budget Requests Funding Request Information Policies and Procedures Board Policy 1010 - District Reference Board Policy 1020 - Oath and Terms, Board of Trustees Board Policy 1025 - Resignation(s) of Board of Trustees Board Policy 1030 - Officers of the Board Board Policy 1040 - Meetings of the Board Board Policy 1050 - The Order Of Business For The Regular Meetings Board Policy 2010 - Depositories and Investments Board Policy 3010 - Travel Policy Board Policy 3030 - Public Records Board Policy 4010 - Code of Ethics Board Policy 4020 - Conflict of Interest Board Policy 5020 - Dissolution of the District ByLaws Article I - Special District Article II - Board Of Trustees Article III - Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Officers Article IV - Vacancy Article V - Compaints Article Vl - ByLaws Locations Meet Your Board Sitemap Search Results Accessibility Statement
- Meet Your Board | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Meet Your Board: Team Members Home > Meet Your Board The district was established on August 21, 2018 in the Primary Election. Board Members where voted on November 6, 2018, the Board shall be a 5 member board. At the first meeting the new Board had to draw for lots to see which 3 members will serve a 2-year term and which 2 members will serve a 4-year term. Tim Ricker, President Elected/Appt: 11/8/2022 Expires: 11/2026 Phone: 307-351-5720 Email: timricker25@yahoo.com Converse County Senior Citizen Service District's Board Don Luhrsen, Vice Pesident Elected/Appt: 11/8/2022 Expires: 11/2026 Phone: 585-654-4884 Email: Saddleworn@hotmail.com Lucile Taylor, Secretary Elected/Appt: 11/3/2020 Expires: 11/2024 Phone: 307-351-4699 Email: dltaylor@vcn.com Kathy Patceg, Treasurer Elected/Appt: 11/3/2020 Expires: 11/2024 Phone: 307-262-3326 Email: kathypatceg@gmail.com Rita Redig, Board Member Elected/Appt: 11/8/2022 Expires: 11/2024 Phone: 307-262-0513 Email: ritasusann@gmail.com Converse County Senior Citizens Service District PO Box 584 Douglas, WY 82633 Board of Directors Meet Your Board: Time Ricker, President Meet Your Board: Lucile Taylor, Secretary Meet Your Board: Kathy Patceg, Treasurer Meet Your Board: Cheri Reese, Member Meet Your Board: Rita Redig, Member
- Article IV - Vacancy | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > ByLaws > Article lV - Vacancy ARTICLE IV - VACANCY 1. All vacancies on the Board are to be filled by appointment by the Board of Trustees and shall serve until such time as a replacement may be duly elected. Article IV - Vacancy: About Us
- General Business | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > General Business Meeting Dates Calendar Year 2024 Meeting Dates 2024 Meeting Dates Meetings are held alternately between the Douglas Senior Center (340 1st St. West, Douglas) and Glenrock Senior Center (615 W Deer St., Glenrock) on the 2nd Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. unless posted otherwise. If a meeting must be canceled and rescheduled, notifications will be distributed to the press and will also be posted on our website. Converse County Senior Citizen Service District's General Business General Business: Agenda and Meetings Dates Payment Of Invoices Read More About Payment Of Invoices Minutes Minutes 2018 Read More About 2018 Minutes Minutes 2019 Read More About 2019 Minutes Minutes 2020 Read More About 2020 Minutes Minutes 2021 Read More About 2021 Minutes Minutes 2022 Read More About 2022 Minutes Minutes 2023 Read More About 2023 Minutes Minutes 2024 Read More About 2024 Minutes General Business: Minutes