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1. The officers of the Board shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, 
each of whom shall be elected by the Board. Vacancies in officer positions may be filled by appointment. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person. 

2. This Board shall follow Roberts Rules of Order. 

3. President: 
a. Shall preside at all meetings 
b. Call the meeting to order on time 
c. Determine the presence of a quorum 
d. Announce the business before the assembly in the order prescribed in the 
e. Recognize members who are entitled to the floor 
f. Process all motions 
g. Expedite all business 
h. Rule on any points of order 
i. Conduct meetings in a fair and equitable manner 
j. Serve as the representative of the District 
k. Sign documents on behalf of the District 

I. Serve as an ex-officio member on committees as specified in the Bylaws m. Work with the secretary to prepare the agenda for the meetings 
n. Vote on any motion before the Board 

4. Vice-President 
a. Preside when the President is absent or must vacate the chair and fills a 
vacancy in the office of President; assists the President 

5. Secretary - Official record keeper of the organization 
a. Works with the President to prepare the agenda 
b. Distributes to members before the meeting any packets of material needed 
at the meeting 
c. Sends notice of all meetings 
d. Keep current membership list, current committees and members, and official 
attendance lists 
e. Take minutes at all meetings and distributes the minutes to the Board and 
other interested parties 
f. Makes notes of amendments to governing documents and distributes new 
copies to the Board and appropriate parties 
g. Notifies officers, delegates and committee members of their election or 
h. Administers the Oath of Office to new Trustees 

6. Treasurer - Custodian of the funds of the special district 
a. Shall be bonded by a reputable bonding company 
b. Receives all incoming money and disperses that money according to 
instructions from the District Board 
c. Makes sure the financial records are audited 
d. Completes appropriate forms on behalf of the District 
e. Keeps accurate records and reports at each meeting to the Board of Trustees 
and shall include the following: 
i. Balance on hand at the beginning of the reporting period 
ii. Receipts 
iii. Disbursements 
iv. Balance on hand at the end of the reporting period 
f. Provides an annual report which includes balance at the beginning of the 
report year, all receipts, all disbursements and balance at the end of the reporting year 


Article III - Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Officers: About Us
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